Betriebssysteme · Institut für Systemarchitektur · Fakultät Informatik · TU Dresden

13. 03. 2015

Error Detection in IPC Messages through Checksums

Maurice Bailleu

TU Dresden

Bit errors in memory and cache eventually occur and will be more common in future systems. Through IPC messages even one bit errors can compromise multiple programs.

In other environments like network systems, checksum are successfully used to detect transmissions failures. We took this approach and treated these bit errors in IPC messages like transmissions failures. Different checksums and implementations were tested for their error detection rate and their slowdown for IPC messaging.

13. 03. 2015

Implementation of Distributed Shared Memory for Modern Paradigms of Parallel Programming in L4

Matthias Hille

TU Dresden

Solving problems that require a large compute capacity is usually done by means of clusters consisting of many independent nodes. Writing programs for clusters is more complicated than writing parallel applications for one node due to the lack of shared memory. To remove this development barrier Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) systems have been developed in the past but turned out to be quite inefficient in practice. Nowadays new paradigms in parallel programming such as asynchronous lambdas arise. A popular example for this is Apple's Grand Central Dispatch.

To test the feasability of DSM using relaxed consistency models a DSM infrastructure is being built on top of the Fiasco.OC / L4Re environment. Different strategies to transfer memory content between the participating nodes are examined.
28. Oct 2020
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