23. 07. 2015

Operating System for The Machine

Dejan Milojicic und Chris Dalton

HP Labs

Sondertermin: 15:30 Uhr, APB 1004

Most recent hardware advancement towards Non-Volatile Memory (NVM), photonic Interconnects, and heterogeneous multicore are dramatically changing the hardware architecture of modern computers. However, impacts on the systems software are even more profound. Last time a radical change in computer architecture was introduced with the DRAM, the operating systems and systems software also underwent substantial changes, such as virtual memory.

In HP Labs, we are pursuing a novel computer, called The Machine. The Machine addresses the aforementioned advancement in hardware technology, but it also introduces operating systems support and new applications. In this talk, I will describe how we support NVM at different levels of software stack, such as managing NVM, programming NVM, and file systems. I will then present the impact on the next generation applications.
28. Oct 2020
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