Betriebssysteme · Institut für Systemarchitektur · Fakultät Informatik · TU Dresden

12. 01. 2018

OpenFPM and Scenery

Pietro Incardona, Ulrik Günther, Ivo Sbalzarini

TU Dresden

We present OpenFPM, an open and scalable framework that provides an abstraction layer for numerical simulations using particles and/or meshes. OpenFPM provides transparent and scalable infrastructure for shared-memory and distributed-memory implementations of hybrid particle-mesh simulations. We present the architecture and design of OpenFPM and detail the underlying abstractions.
We present scenery, an open-source, network-aware rendering middleware for creating various kinds of scientific visualisations. Scenery features OpenGL and Vulkan renderers, an optimized scenegraph-based architecture and virtual reality rendering on head-mounted displays and distributed systems, like CAVEs or display walls. In the talk, we will detail the architecture and talk about the main obstacles encountered in development.
28. Oct 2020
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