Betriebssysteme · Institut für Systemarchitektur · Fakultät Informatik · TU Dresden

03. 04. 2012

Introducing Energy/Utility

Marcus Hähnel

TU Dresden

Verteidigung der Diplomarbeit

Energy is an important resource in all types of systems. Future processors may not be able to power all components simultaneously because of the chip's power envelope. Supplying enough power to the chip is increasingly problematic. This development emphasizes the importance of Operating Systems support to schedule energy as a resource. There are numerous works that deal with modeling energy requirements of a system. In my work, I introduce a new approach to such models, termed Energy/Utility Functions, that enables weighing the utility an application or device provides against its energy requirements. The model is applicable to all levels of a system, from whole data centers to individual hardware components. I formalized aspects of these functions and provide a method to model different system layers using a resource hierarchy. I further provide some example measurements for device energy characteristics that are needed for our Energy/Utility model. In my talk, I will present my modeling approach and difficulties encountered during the profiling of system components.
28. Oct 2020
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