Betriebssysteme · Institut für Systemarchitektur · Fakultät Informatik · TU Dresden

19. 06. 2015

Multi-RAPL - Sharing RAPL energy counters between applications

Till Smejkal

TU Dresden

Vortrag zum Forschungsprojekt

"Running Average Power Limit", a feature present in current Intel processors, provides the functionality to measure the energy consumption of a system at a relatively high granularity. Being able to utilize and account this measured energy to the programs running on the system enables various possibilities for embedded and mobile as well as HPC or cloud systems, where the energy consumption of their task is of high interest.
In this talk I will present how an adaption of the Linux scheduler allows us to use the RAPL energy counters to measure the energy usage of any program while it is running in an, apart from the scheduler, unchanged environment. This facilitates us to collect accurate energy statistics for them, without the influences of other parallel running programs, while they are executed in their normal environment. While such measurements yield significant errors if one uses pure RAPL, Multi-RAPL can provide good results, as it will be shown with energy consumptions for parallel executions of the benchmarks from the NAS Parallel Benchmark suite.

19. 06. 2015

RDMA-accelerated Key-Value-stores demystified

Hannes Weisbach

TU Dresden

Vortrag zum Forschungsprojekt

Starting with Pilaf, a number of RDMA-accelerated Key-Value-stores were published. While Pilaf features RDMA-acceleration only for lookups, Nessie and Falafel promise to speed up write access by using RDMA-CAS instructions. FaRM goes even further, exposing the memory of a cluster as shared address space. Surprisingly, HERD, using RDMA-operations only for message passing without exposing internal data structures over RDMA, outperforms them all.
In this talk I will give a brief introduction into the RDMA architecture, programming with libibverbs/librdma_cm, and implementing client-server scenarios. I will subsequently discuss design trade-offs in Pilaf and Hydra, my own RDMA Key-Value-store implementation, and show why HERD achieves superior performance to both implementations.
28. Oct 2020
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