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Jdb_tbuf_init Member List

This is the complete list of members for Jdb_tbuf_init, including all inherited members.

_entriesJdb_tbuf [protected, static]
_filter_enabledJdb_tbuf [protected, static]
_max_entriesJdb_tbuf [protected, static]
buffer()Jdb_tbuf [inline, protected, static]
clear_tbuf()Jdb_tbuf [static]
commit_entry()Jdb_tbuf [static]
count_mask1Jdb_tbuf [protected, static]
count_mask2Jdb_tbuf [protected, static]
diff_pmc(Mword idx, Mword nr, Signed32 *delta)Jdb_tbuf [static]
diff_tsc(Mword idx, Signed64 *delta)Jdb_tbuf [static]
direct_log_entryJdb_tbuf [static]
disable_filter()Jdb_tbuf [inline, static]
enable_filter()Jdb_tbuf [inline, static]
entries()Jdb_tbuf [static]
Event enum valueJdb_tbuf
event(Mword idx, Mword *number, Unsigned32 *kclock, Unsigned64 *tsc, Unsigned32 *pmc1, Unsigned32 *pmc2)Jdb_tbuf [static]
event_valid(Mword idx)Jdb_tbuf [inline, static]
idx(Tb_entry *e)Jdb_tbuf [static]
init(Observer *)Jdb_tbuf_init [static]
ipc_pair_event(Mword idx, Unsigned8 *type)Jdb_tbuf [static]
lookup(Mword look_idx)Jdb_tbuf [static]
max_entries()Jdb_tbuf [inline, static]
max_entries(Mword num)Jdb_tbuf [inline, static]
new_entry()Jdb_tbuf [static]
numberJdb_tbuf [protected, static]
observerJdb_tbuf [protected, static]
pf_pair_event(Mword idx, Unsigned8 *type)Jdb_tbuf [static]
Result enum valueJdb_tbuf
search(Mword nr)Jdb_tbuf [inline, static]
search_to_idx(Mword nr)Jdb_tbuf [static]
status()Jdb_tbuf [inline, static]
tbuf_actJdb_tbuf [protected, static]
tbuf_maxJdb_tbuf [protected, static]
unfiltered_entries()Jdb_tbuf [inline, static]
unfiltered_idx(Tb_entry *e)Jdb_tbuf [static]
unfiltered_lookup(Mword idx)Jdb_tbuf [static]

Generated on Mon Sep 26 14:20:16 2005 for Fiasco by  doxygen 1.4.2