6.6 Defining new architectures and modes


Defining additional architecture/mode pairs for a specific architecture is done by setting appropriate Make-variables. To define mode mode for architecture arch, set BID_SUPPORTED_arch_mode to ``y'' and define the variables LIBCINCDIR_arch_mode, LIBCLIBDIR_arch_mode, LIBCLIBS_arch_mode, L4LIBS_arch_mode, CRT0_arch_mode, CRTN_arch_mode and LDSCRIPT_arch_mode.

Also, you can set CARCHFLAGS_<arch>_<cpu> to specify cpu-specific compiler options, e.g. CARCHFLAGS_x86_p3=-march=p3 if -march=p3 is the compiler option to generate p3-optimized code.

L4 Checker 2012-04-11