About this documentation

This documentation was created using Doxygen, a source-code documentation system.

Documentation of functions, structures and defines is done in the source code. Documentation of concepts is done in separate files. To get an overview of the general concepts, browse through the pages referenced by the main page. These pages will contain links to documented source-files describing things in more detail.

A documented source-file contains a comment about what the file is dealing with. In some cases, a more detailed description of the file is available. File members are listed then together with their desrciption. A formated version of the source-files itself is also available via links within these documented source-files.

The concept pages together with this page are generated from the file general.dox. Source-file documentation is generated from c-files in lib/src and from some header files in include/drops/dsi.

  1. This specification may change frequently next time, when the first experiences using DSI are made.
  2. DSI depends on the L4 environment, which is neighter completely specified nor completely implemented yet.

The generated postscript-file is hard to read at the moment. Create a framing .tex document and include the files generated by doxygen.
Jork Loeser
Frank Mehnert, Lars Reuther
Lars Reuther

Generated on Wed Apr 11 06:40:14 2012 for DSI - Drops Streaming Interface by  doxygen 1.5.6