
# GNU Stow - manage the installation of multiple software packages
# Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 by Bob Glickstein
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

# Patched by <cpbs@debian.org> 1998/07/14 to prevent stow -D / stow -R
# removing initially-empty directories.

$ProgramName = $0;
$ProgramName =~ s,.*/,,;

$Version = '1.3.2';

$Conflicts = 0;
$Delete = 0;
$NotReally = 0;
$Verbose = 0;
$ReportHelp = 0;
$Stow   = undef;
$Target = undef;
$Restow = 0;

while (@ARGV && ($_ = $ARGV[0]) && /^-/) {
  $opt = $';
  last if /^--$/;

  if ($opt =~ /^-/) {
    $opt = $';
    if ($opt =~ /^no?$/i) {
      $NotReally = 1;
    } elsif ($opt =~ /^c(o(n(f(l(i(c(ts?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?$/i) {
      $Conflicts = 1;
      $NotReally = 1;
    } elsif ($opt =~ /^dir?/i) {
      $remainder = $';
      if ($remainder =~ /^=/) {
	$Stow = $';		# the stuff after the =
      } else {
	$Stow = shift;
    } elsif ($opt =~ /^t(a(r(g(et?)?)?)?)?/i) {
      $remainder = $';
      if ($remainder =~ /^=/) {
	$Target = $';		# the stuff after the =
      } else {
	$Target = shift;
    } elsif ($opt =~ /^verb(o(se?)?)?/i) {
      $remainder = $';
      if ($remainder =~ /^=(\d+)/) {
	$Verbose = $1;
      } else {
    } elsif ($opt =~ /^de(l(e(te?)?)?)?$/i) {
      $Delete = 1;
    } elsif ($opt =~ /^r(e(s(t(o(w?)?)?)?)?)?$/i) {
      $Restow = 1;
    } elsif ($opt =~ /^vers(i(on?)?)?$/i) {
    } else {
      &usage(($opt =~ /^h(e(lp?)?)?$/) ? undef :
	     "unknown or ambiguous option: $opt");
  } else {
    @opts = split(//, $opt);
    while ($_ = shift(@opts)) {
      if ($_ eq 'n') {
	$NotReally = 1;
      } elsif ($_ eq 'c') {
	$Conflicts = 1;
	$NotReally = 1;
      } elsif ($_ eq 'd') {
	$Stow = (join('', @opts) || shift);
	@opts = ();
      } elsif ($_ eq 't') {
	$Target = (join('', @opts) || shift);
	@opts = ();
      } elsif ($_ eq 'v') {
      } elsif ($_ eq 'D') {
	$Delete = 1;
      } elsif ($_ eq 'R') {
	$Restow = 1;
      } elsif ($_ eq 'V') {
      } else {
	&usage(($_ eq 'h') ? undef : "unknown option: $_");

&usage("No packages named") unless @ARGV;

if ($Stow) {
  chdir($Stow) || die "Cannot chdir to target tree $Stow ($!)\n";
$Stow = &fastcwd;

$Target = &parent($Stow) unless $Target;

chdir($Target) || die "Cannot chdir to target tree $Target ($!)\n";
$Target = &fastcwd;

foreach $package (@ARGV) {
  $package =~ s,/+$,,;		# delete trailing slashes
  if ($package =~ m,/,) {
    die "$ProgramName: slashes not permitted in package names\n";

if ($Delete || $Restow) {
  @Collections = @ARGV;
  &Unstow('', &RelativePath($Target, $Stow));

if (!$Delete || $Restow) {
  foreach $Collection (@ARGV) {
    warn "Stowing package $Collection...\n" if $Verbose;
    &StowContents($Collection, &RelativePath($Target, $Stow));

sub CommonParent {
  local($dir1, $dir2) = @_;
  local($result, $x);
  local(@d1) = split(/\/+/, $dir1);
  local(@d2) = split(/\/+/, $dir2);

  while (@d1 && @d2 && (($x = shift(@d1)) eq shift(@d2))) {
    $result .= "$x/";

sub RelativePath {
  local($a, $b) = @_;
  local($c) = &CommonParent($a, $b);
  local(@a) = split(/\/+/, $a);
  local(@b) = split(/\/+/, $b);
  local(@c) = split(/\/+/, $c);

  splice(@a, 0, @c + 0);
  splice(@b, 0, @c + 0);
  unshift(@b, (('..') x (@a + 0)));

sub JoinPaths {
  local(@paths, @parts);
  local ($x, $y);
  local($result) = '';

  $result = '/' if ($_[0] =~ /^\//);
  foreach $x (@_) {
    @parts = split(/\/+/, $x);
    foreach $y (@parts) {
      push(@paths, $y) if $y;
  $result .= join('/', @paths);

sub Unstow {
  local($targetdir, $stow) = @_;
  local($linktarget, $stowmember, $collection);
  local($pure, $othercollection) = (1, '');
  local($subpure, $subother);
  local($empty) = (1);

  return (0, '') if (&JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir) eq $Stow);
  return (0, '') if (-e &JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir, '.stow'));
  warn sprintf("Unstowing in %s\n", &JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir))
    if ($Verbose > 1);
  opendir(DIR, &JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir)) ||
    die "$ProgramName: Cannot read directory \"$dir\" ($!)\n";
  @contents = readdir(DIR);
  foreach $content (@contents) {
    next if (($content eq '.') || ($content eq '..'));
    $empty = 0;
    if (-l &JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir, $content)) {
      ($linktarget = readlink(&JoinPaths($Target,
	|| die sprintf("%s: Cannot read link %s (%s)\n",
		       &JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir, $content),
      if ($stowmember = &FindStowMember(&JoinPaths($Target,
					$linktarget)) {
	@stowmember = split(/\/+/, $stowmember);
	$collection = shift(@stowmember);
	if (grep(($collection eq $_), @Collections)) {
	  &DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir, $content));
	} elsif ($pure) {
	  if ($othercollection) {
	    $pure = 0 if ($collection ne $othercollection);
	  } else {
	    $othercollection = $collection;
      } else {
	$pure = 0;
    } elsif (-d &JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir, $content)) {
      ($subpure, $subother) = &Unstow(&JoinPaths($targetdir, $content),
				      &JoinPaths('..', $stow));
      if ($subpure) {
	push(@puresubdirs, "$content/$subother");
      if ($pure) {
	if ($subpure) {
	  if ($othercollection) {
	    if ($subother) {
	      if ($othercollection ne $subother) {
		$pure = 0;
	  } elsif ($subother) {
	    $othercollection = $subother;
	} else {
	  $pure = 0;
    } else {
      $pure = 0;
  $pure = 0 if $empty;
  if ((!$pure || !$targetdir) && @puresubdirs) {
    &CoalesceTrees($targetdir, $stow, @puresubdirs);
  ($pure, $othercollection);

sub CoalesceTrees {
  local($parent, $stow, @trees) = @_;
  local($tree, $collection, $x);

  foreach $x (@trees) {
    ($tree, $collection) = ($x =~ /^(.*)\/(.*)/);
    &EmptyTree(&JoinPaths($Target, $parent, $tree));
    &DoRmdir(&JoinPaths($Target, $parent, $tree));
    if ($collection) {
      &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $collection, $parent, $tree),
	      &JoinPaths($Target, $parent, $tree));

sub EmptyTree {
  local($dir) = @_;

  opendir(DIR, $dir)
    || die "$ProgramName: Cannot read directory \"$dir\" ($!)\n";
  @contents = readdir(DIR);
  foreach $content (@contents) {
    next if (($content eq '.') || ($content eq '..'));
    if (-l &JoinPaths($dir, $content)) {
      &DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($dir, $content));
    } elsif (-d &JoinPaths($dir, $content)) {
      &EmptyTree(&JoinPaths($dir, $content));
      &DoRmdir(&JoinPaths($dir, $content));
    } else {
      &DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($dir, $content));

sub StowContents {
  local($dir, $stow) = @_;

  warn "Stowing contents of $dir\n" if ($Verbose > 1);
  opendir(DIR, &JoinPaths($Stow, $dir))
    || die "$ProgramName: Cannot read directory \"$dir\" ($!)\n";
  @contents = readdir(DIR);
  foreach $content (@contents) {
    next if (($content eq '.') || ($content eq '..'));
    if (-d &JoinPaths($Stow, $dir, $content)) {
      &StowDir(&JoinPaths($dir, $content), $stow);
    } else {
      &StowNondir(&JoinPaths($dir, $content), $stow);

sub StowDir {
  local($dir, $stow) = @_;
  local(@dir) = split(/\/+/, $dir);
  local($collection) = shift(@dir);
  local($subdir) = join('/', @dir);
  local($linktarget, $stowsubdir);

  warn "Stowing directory $dir\n" if ($Verbose > 1);
  if (-l &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir)) {
    ($linktarget = readlink(&JoinPaths($Target, $subdir)))
      || die sprintf("%s: Could not read link %s (%s)\n",
		     &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir),
    ($stowsubdir =
     &FindStowMember(sprintf('%s/%s', $Target,
			     join('/', @dir[0..($#dir - 1)])),
      || (&Conflict($dir, $subdir), return);
    if (-e &JoinPaths($Stow, $stowsubdir)) {
      if ($stowsubdir eq $dir) {
	warn sprintf("%s already points to %s\n",
		     &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir),
		     &JoinPaths($Stow, $dir))
	  if ($Verbose > 2);
      if (-d &JoinPaths($Stow, $stowsubdir)) {
	&DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($Target, $subdir));
	&DoMkdir(&JoinPaths($Target, $subdir));
	&StowContents($stowsubdir, &JoinPaths('..', $stow));
	&StowContents($dir, &JoinPaths('..', $stow));
      } else {
	(&Conflict($dir, $subdir), return);
    } else {
      &DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($Target, $subdir));
      &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $dir),
	      &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir));
  } elsif (-e &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir)) {
    if (-d &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir)) {
      &StowContents($dir, &JoinPaths('..', $stow));
    } else {
      &Conflict($dir, $subdir);
  } else {
    &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $dir),
	    &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir));

sub StowNondir {
  local($file, $stow) = @_;
  local(@file) = split(/\/+/, $file);
  local($collection) = shift(@file);
  local($subfile) = join('/', @file);
  local($linktarget, $stowsubfile);

  if (-l &JoinPaths($Target, $subfile)) {
    ($linktarget = readlink(&JoinPaths($Target, $subfile)))
      || die sprintf("%s: Could not read link %s (%s)\n",
		     &JoinPaths($Target, $subfile),
    ($stowsubfile =
     &FindStowMember(sprintf('%s/%s', $Target,
			     join('/', @file[0..($#file - 1)])),
      || (&Conflict($file, $subfile), return);
    if (-e &JoinPaths($Stow, $stowsubfile)) {
      (&Conflict($file, $subfile), return)
	unless ($stowsubfile eq $file);
      warn sprintf("%s already points to %s\n",
		   &JoinPaths($Target, $subfile),
		   &JoinPaths($Stow, $file))
	if ($Verbose > 2);
    } else {
      &DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($Target, $subfile));
      &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $file),
	      &JoinPaths($Target, $subfile));
  } elsif (-e &JoinPaths($Target, $subfile)) {
    &Conflict($file, $subfile);
  } else {
    &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $file),
	    &JoinPaths($Target, $subfile));

sub DoUnlink {
  local($file) = @_;

  warn "UNLINK $file\n" if $Verbose;
  (unlink($file) || die "$ProgramName: Could not unlink $file ($!)\n")
    unless $NotReally;

sub DoRmdir {
  local($dir) = @_;

  warn "RMDIR $dir\n" if $Verbose;
  (rmdir($dir) || die "$ProgramName: Could not rmdir $dir ($!)\n")
    unless $NotReally;

sub DoLink {
  local($target, $name) = @_;

  warn "LINK $name to $target\n" if $Verbose;
  (symlink($target, $name) ||
   die "$ProgramName: Could not symlink $name to $target ($!)\n")
    unless $NotReally;

sub DoMkdir {
  local($dir) = @_;

  warn "MKDIR $dir\n" if $Verbose;
  (mkdir($dir, 0777)
   || die "$ProgramName: Could not make directory $dir ($!)\n")
    unless $NotReally;

sub Conflict {
  local($a, $b) = @_;

  if ($Conflicts) {
    warn sprintf("CONFLICT: %s vs. %s\n", &JoinPaths($Stow, $a),
		 &JoinPaths($Target, $b));
  } else {
    die sprintf("%s: CONFLICT: %s vs. %s\n",
		&JoinPaths($Stow, $a),
		&JoinPaths($Target, $b));

sub FindStowMember {
  local($start, $path) = @_;
  local(@x) = split(/\/+/, $start);
  local(@path) = split(/\/+/, $path);
  local(@d) = split(/\/+/, $Stow);

  while (@path) {
    $x = shift(@path);
    if ($x eq '..') {
      return '' unless @x;
    } elsif ($x) {
      push(@x, $x);
  while (@x && @d) {
    if (($x = shift(@x)) ne shift(@d)) {
      return '';
  return '' if @d;
  join('/', @x);

sub parent {
  local($path) = join('/', @_);
  local(@elts) = split(/\/+/, $path);
  join('/', @elts);

sub usage {
  local($msg) = shift;

  if ($msg) {
    print "$ProgramName: $msg\n";
  print "$ProgramName (GNU Stow) version $Version\n\n";
  print "Usage: $ProgramName [OPTION ...] PACKAGE ...\n";
  print <<EOT;
  -n, --no              Do not actually make changes
  -c, --conflicts       Scan for conflicts, implies -n
  -d DIR, --dir=DIR     Set stow dir to DIR (default is current dir)
  -t DIR, --target=DIR  Set target to DIR (default is parent of stow dir)
  -v, --verbose[=N]     Increase verboseness (levels are 0,1,2,3;
                          -v or --verbose adds 1; --verbose=N sets level)
  -D, --delete          Unstow instead of stow
  -R, --restow          Restow (like stow -D followed by stow)
  -V, --version         Show Stow version number
  -h, --help            Show this help
  exit($msg ? 1 : 0);

sub version {
  print "$ProgramName (GNU Stow) version $Version\n";

# This is from Perl 4's fastcwd.pl, by John Bazik.
# Usage: $cwd = &fastcwd;
# This is a faster version of getcwd.  It's also more dangerous
# because you might chdir out of a directory that you can't chdir back
# into.

sub fastcwd {
  local($odev, $oino, $cdev, $cino, $tdev, $tino);
  local(@path, $path);

  ($cdev, $cino) = stat('.');
  for (;;) {
    ($odev, $oino) = ($cdev, $cino);
    ($cdev, $cino) = stat('.');
    last if $odev == $cdev && $oino == $cino;
    opendir(DIR, '.');
    for (;;) {
      $_ = readdir(DIR);
      next if $_ eq '.';
      next if $_ eq '..';

      last unless $_;
      ($tdev, $tino) = lstat($_);
      last unless $tdev != $odev || $tino != $oino;
    unshift(@path, $_);
  chdir($path = '/' . join('/', @path));

# Local variables:
# mode: perl
# End: