HostHpet Member List

This is the complete list of members for HostHpet, including all inherited members.
BIT64_CAP enum valueBasicHpet
check_hpet_present(void *address, unsigned timer, unsigned irq)BasicHpet [inline, static]
debug_dump()Device [inline]
debug_name()Device [inline]
Device(const char *debug_name)Device [inline]
ENABLE_CNF enum valueBasicHpet
FSB_INT_DEL_CAP enum valueBasicHpet
FSB_INT_EN_CNF enum valueBasicHpet
get_hpet_address(DBus< MessageAcpi > &bus_acpi)BasicHpet [inline, static]
HostHpet(DBus< MessageTimeout > &bus_timeout, DBus< MessageHostOp > &bus_hostop, Clock *clock, void *iomem, unsigned timer, unsigned theirq, bool level, unsigned long maxfreq)HostHpet [inline]
INT_ENB_CNF enum valueBasicHpet
INT_TYPE_CNF enum valueBasicHpet
LEG_RT_CAP enum valueBasicHpet
LEG_RT_CNF enum valueBasicHpet
MODE32_CNF enum valueBasicHpet
PER_INT_CAP enum valueBasicHpet
receive(MessageIrq &msg)HostHpet [inline]
receive(MessageTimer &msg)HostHpet [inline]
receive_static(Device *o, M &msg)StaticReceiver< HostHpet > [inline, static]
StaticReceiver()StaticReceiver< HostHpet > [inline]
TYPE_CNF enum valueBasicHpet
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