NovaProgram Member List

This is the complete list of members for NovaProgram, including all inherited members.
__attribute__((noreturn)) block_forever()NovaProgram [inline, protected]
_cap_CapAllocator< NovaProgram > [static]
_cap_blockNovaProgram [protected]
_cap_orderCapAllocator< NovaProgram > [static]
_cap_startCapAllocator< NovaProgram > [static]
_free_physNovaProgram [protected]
_free_virtNovaProgram [protected]
_hipNovaProgram [protected]
_virt_physNovaProgram [protected]
add_mappings(Utcb *utcb, unsigned long addr, unsigned long size, unsigned long hotspot, unsigned rights)BaseProgram [inline, static]
alloc_cap(unsigned count=1)CapAllocator< NovaProgram > [inline, static]
alloc_utcb()NovaProgram [inline, protected]
CapAllocator(unsigned long __cap_, unsigned long __cap_start, unsigned long __cap_order)CapAllocator< NovaProgram > [inline]
create_ec_helper(C *tls, unsigned cpunr, unsigned excbase, Utcb **utcb_out=0, void *func=0, unsigned cap=alloc_cap())NovaProgram [inline, protected]
dealloc_cap(unsigned cap, unsigned count=1)CapAllocator< NovaProgram > [inline, static]
exit(const char *msg)NovaProgram [inline, static]
init(Hip *hip)NovaProgram [inline, protected]
init_mem(Hip *hip)NovaProgram [inline, protected]
mycpu()BaseProgram [inline, static]
myutcb(unsigned long esp=0)BaseProgram [inline, static]
NovaProgram()NovaProgram [inline]
request_mapping(char *start, unsigned long size, unsigned long hotspot)BaseProgram [inline, static]
revoke_all_mem(void *address, unsigned long size, unsigned rights, bool myself)BaseProgram [inline, static]
stack_sizeBaseProgram [static]
stack_size_shiftBaseProgram [static]
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