Tracebuffer Member List

This is the complete list of members for Tracebuffer, including all inherited members.
_cap_CapAllocator< Tracebuffer > [static]
_cap_orderCapAllocator< Tracebuffer > [static]
_cap_startCapAllocator< Tracebuffer > [static]
alloc_cap(unsigned count=1)CapAllocator< Tracebuffer > [inline, static]
alloc_crd()Tracebuffer [inline]
CapAllocator(unsigned long __cap_, unsigned long __cap_start, unsigned long __cap_order)CapAllocator< Tracebuffer > [inline]
dealloc_cap(unsigned cap, unsigned count=1)CapAllocator< Tracebuffer > [inline, static]
operator new(unsigned size, unsigned alignment)Tracebuffer [inline]
portal_func(Utcb &utcb, Utcb::Frame &input, bool &free_cap)Tracebuffer [inline]
Tracebuffer(unsigned long size, char *buf, bool verbose, unsigned _cap, unsigned _cap_order, char *flag_revoke)Tracebuffer [inline]
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