NUL Test Report

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 01:00:05 +0000 testbox/ivybridge-1-g5bc2785 (Michal Sojka: Move files related to nightly testing to another repo)

32. Service with sessions represented by portals (implemented as a subclass of NoXlateSService) (michal/apps/echo/

(23) => tries:1000000 <=
(24) => tries:1000000 <=
(21) ! michal/apps/echo/ PERF: open_session 53568 cycles okok
(21) ! michal/apps/echo/ PERF: avg 1909 cycles okok
(21) ! michal/apps/echo/ PERF: min 1804 cycles okok
(21) ! michal/apps/echo/ PERF: max 2600 cycles okok
sc: wait 1000ms
sc: done.
! /home/nul/nul/michal/wvtest/wvnulrun: $assertions_executed > 0 okok
novaboot: Read /home/nul/nul/.novaboot