Class Customer

Class Customer

Placement in the overall structure

Base classes
Derived classes
Time of creation
Task 6


The Customer class extends the Entrant class with the ability to record and retrieve an event that the process in question is waiting for.

Public methods

Customer (void* tos)
The constructor passes the tos parameter to the constructor of the base class Entrant.
void waiting_in (Waitingroom *w)
This method is used to note in the Customer that it is currently waiting for an event in the Waitingroom w.
Waitingroom* waiting_in ()
This can be used to determine in which Waitingroom object the customer is registered. A return value of 0 should mean that the process is not waiting for any event, i.e. it is either the currently running process, is on the scheduler's ready list, has already been terminated or has not yet been registered with the scheduler.