Hi all,

sorry just interrupt. I use slackware ver 12.
some problem with make L4linux-2.6 .
i got error :
l4/rtc/rtc.h : no such file or directory
where i can find/download the rtc package ? or its already built in when i checkout the SVN l4linux-2.6 ?
but why its not there ?


On 8/10/07, Adam Lackorzynski <adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de> wrote:

On Fri Aug 10, 2007 at 16:08:23 +0800, huang wrote:
>     Could you give me some advices about the operating system on which we can build fiasco and l4env?
>     I have used some different linux such as suse 9 and fedora core 3, fedora core 6 and so on, there always some problem ocurred
> while building or booting the l4 components.
>     What operating system are you using now? And what operating systems are fully tested for the l4 system?

And please do not hesitate to post the error messages! Sometimes, the
solution is simple.

Adam                 adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de
  Lackorzynski         http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/~adam/

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