2007/9/4, l4-hackers-request@os.inf.tu-dresden.de <l4-hackers-request@os.inf.tu-dresden.de >:
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: why there is no bin and lib directory under build
      directory after I compiled the L4 (Adam Lackorzynski)
   2. Re: why the function just declare,but no implement.
      (Adam Lackorzynski)
   3. roottask problem?? help!!! (huang)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 00:32:53 +0200
From: Adam Lackorzynski < adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>
Subject: Re: why there is no bin and lib directory under build
        directory       after I compiled the L4
To: l4-hackers@os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Message-ID: <20070903223253.GB19315@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


On Mon Sep 03, 2007 at 09:39:39 +0800, ???? wrote:
>           I have get a tudos from svn a few days ago,but when I have
> compiled it,there is no bin and lib derictory under tudos/l4/build/.And In
> the /tudos/l4/build/include derictory ,there is only a l4 directory which
> containning just a one file,but all compile process are all right.
>           Of course,when I use this L4env to compile the l4linux-2.6.21,there
> is a lot of error,you can seeing the error informantion from the attachment.
> The compiler instructor I used as follow:
>           cd tudos
>           make -C l4 config O=./build
>           make -C l4 O=./build
>           The config options I used are as same as before,so I don't know
> what have happened.And I used the linux distribution is slackware 10.2,
> gcc-3.4.6 ,make-3.81,bison-2.3.
>           Everybody who knows this problem please hlep me.Thanks!

Can you show me the last 100 lines of the output of
'make -C l4 O=./build', please? That would give me more hints on what
could be going wrong.

Ok,the output of 'make  -C l4  O=./build  is  as follow:
... Making kern_cnt.o
  ... Making jdb_bt-ia32-ux.o
  ... Making tb_entry.o
  ... Making tb_entry-ia32-ux.o
  ... Making tb_entry_output.o
  ... Making jdb_exit_module.o
  ... Making jdb_tbuf_show.o
  ... Making jdb_console_buffer.o
  ... Making virq.o
  ... Making push_console.o
  ... Making jdb_timeout.o
  ... Making jdb_halt_thread.o
  ... Making jdb_tbuf_events.o
  ... Making jdb_kern_info_kmem_alloc.o
  ... Making jdb_thread_names.o
  ... Making loadcnt.o
  ... Making jdb_utcb.o
  ... Making jdb_bts.o
  ... Making jdb_entry_frame-ia32-ux.o
  ... Making jdb_space.o
  ... Making jdb_disasm.o
  ... Making jdb_gzip.o
  ... Making jdb_regex.o
  ... Making dump_tcboffsets
  ... Making tcboffset.o
  ==> Linking tcboffset.bin
./dump_tcboffsets tcboffset.bin > tcboffset.h.new
mv tcboffset.h.new tcboffset.h
  ... Making entry-ia32-ux.o
  ... Making entry-ia32.o
  ... Making shortcut-ia32-ux.o
  ... Making sys_call_page- asm.o
  ... Making disasm.o
  ... Making i386-dis.o
  ... Making dis-buf.o
  ==> Archiving into libdisasm.a
  ==> Linking kernel.image
  ==> Linking main
  ... Generating checksum for main text section
  ... Generating checksum for main data section
  ... Writing checksum into main
  ... Making Symbols
  ... Making Lines
make[3]: Leaving directory `/mnt/tudos/kernel/fiasco/build'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/tudos/kernel/fiasco/build'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/tudos/kernel/fiasco'
if [ -r pkg/Makefile ]; then PWD=/mnt/tudos/pkg make -C pkg; fi
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
find: invalid predicate `-L'
make[1]: Entering directory `/mnt/tudos/l4/pkg'
install -d /mnt/tudos/l4/build/pkg/
echo '# automatically created -- modifications will be lost' > /mnt/tudos/l4/build/pkg/Makefile
echo 'SRC := /mnt/tudos/l4/pkg'                                    >> /mnt/tudos/l4/build/pkg/Makefile
echo 'OBJ := /mnt/tudos/l4/build'                                   >> /mnt/tudos/l4/build/pkg/Makefile
echo '.PHONY: x $(MAKECMDGOALS)'                           >> /mnt/tudos/l4/build/pkg/Makefile
echo 'x:'                                                   >> /mnt/tudos/l4/build/pkg/Makefile
echo '  $(MAKE) -C $(SRC) O=$(OBJ)'                >> /mnt/tudos/l4/build/pkg/Makefile
echo '$(MAKECMDGOALS):'                                    >> /mnt/tudos/l4/build/pkg/Makefile
echo '  $(MAKE) -C $(SRC) O=$(OBJ) $@'            >> /mnt/tudos/l4/build/pkg/Makefile
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/tudos/l4/pkg'
make: Leaving directory `/mnt/tudos/l4'
there are missing a lot of  things  after  compiling  ,I  don't  know why .
Best Regards!

Adam                 adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de
  Lackorzynski         http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/~adam/


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 00:34:18 +0200
From: Adam Lackorzynski <adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>
Subject: Re: why the function just declare,but no implement.
To: l4-hackers@os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Message-ID: <20070903223418.GC19315@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

On Mon Sep 03, 2007 at 17:00:00 +0800, ???? wrote:
> Hi,everyone:
>           When I used latest version of L4 to compile the l4linux-2.6.22,it
> is following error message appeared.
> In file included from arch/l4/kernel/arch-i386/dispatch.c:586:
> arch/l4/kernel/arch-i386/../dispatch.c: In function `l4x_user_dispatcher':
> arch/l4/kernel/arch-i386/../dispatch.c:362: sorry, unimplemented: inlining
> failed in call to 'l4x_dispatch_suspend': function not considered for
> inlining
> arch/l4/kernel/arch-i386/../dispatch.c:506: sorry, unimplemented: called
> from here
> make[1]: *** [arch/l4/kernel/arch-i386/dispatch.o] error 1
> make: *** [arch/l4/kernel/arch-i386] error 2
> so I check the function dispatch.c,the function l4x_dispatch_suspend is
> empty indeed.Maybe there is something wrong,but I don't know what have
> happened.Everyone who knows this problem please help me,thanks!
> The L4 and l4linux are all downloaded from svn today,and my linux
> distribution is ubuntu 6.06.

Well, l4x_dispatch_suspend is not empty at all, at least not in my copy
of the source. Are you sure?

Adam                 adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de
  Lackorzynski         http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/~adam/


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 09:47:17 +0800
From: "huang" <learnl4@sina.com>
Subject: roottask problem?? help!!!
To: "l4-hackers" <l4-hackers@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>
Message-ID: <20070904014637.B789F3B5B51@smtp.sina.com.cn >
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="gb2312"

hi,dear all:

   When I tried to use the l4env nameserver "names" to help doing sth, I found it doesn't work. For example, the logserver "log" can not
register at nameserver, so it fall asleep, so does names_demo. I examed and tested the names.c, and I modified a few lines of code in main()
such as:

        printf("roottask service unavailable!\n");
    printf("roottask service init successfully!\n");

then I rebuilded names, and tested again with modules listed in menu.lst:

title hello world
kernel (hd0,0)/fiasco/bootstrap
modaddr 0x02000000
module (hd0,0)/fiasco/fiasco -nokdb -nowait
module (hd0,0)/fiasco/sigma0
module (hd0,0)/fiasco/roottask
module (hd0,0)/fiasco/names
module (hd0,0)/fiasco/names_demo

the output screen is in the attachement roottask.jpg, the key output is
names   | roottask service unavailable!

Is this really caused by roottask??

In the manual tut.pdf, the menu.lst is as below:

title Hi world, server version
  kernel (nd)/tftpboot/yourname/bin/x86_586/l4v2/bootstrap
  modaddr 0x02000000
  module (nd)/tftpboot/yourname/bin/fiasco -nokdb -nowait
  module (nd)/tftpboot/yourname/bin/x86_586/l4v2/sigma0
  module (nd)/tftpboot/yourname/bin/x86_586/l4vs/roottask
  module (nd)/tftpboot/yourname/bin/x86_586/l4v2/log
  module (nd)/tftpboot/yourname/bin/x86_586/l4v2/names
  module (nd)/tftpboot/yourname/bin/x86_586/l4v2/dm_phys
  module (nd)/tftpboot/yourname/bin/x86_586/l4v2/hiserver
  module (nd)/tftpboot/yourname/bin/x86_586/l4v2/hiclient

I found the line of roottask is different from other lines in "l4vs", while others are "l4v2". What is the difference?

best wishes!

????????learnl4@ sina.com
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End of l4-hackers Digest, Vol 53, Issue 2