this is my bootloader setup for booting fiasco

title Fiasco, Console, Loader, Tiny Shell (run)
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/fiasco_mod/bootstrap -modaddr 0x02000000
module /boot/fiasco_mod/fiasco -nowait  -serial_esc -comspeed 115200 -comport 1
module /boot/fiasco_mod/sigma0
module /boot/fiasco_mod/roottask
module /boot/fiasco_mod/names --events
module /boot/fiasco_mod/log --events
module /boot/fiasco_mod/dm_phys --isa=0x00800000 -v --events
module /boot/fiasco_mod/con
module /boot/fiasco_mod/simple_ts -t 300 --events
module /boot/fiasco_mod/tftp
#The loader should load and start the minishell
module /boot/fiasco_mod/loader
module /boot/fiasco_mod/run
vbset 0x117

it returns me an error of Double Page Fault, how can i fix it?

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