On 16 Feb 2014, at 5:15 , Blaine Garst <blaine@mac.com> wrote:

My intuition is that we have to turn our thinking upside down.  There are no Threads.  Have a few stacks for I/O interrupts in the kernel, do all stack scheduling in user space, and let IPC be as pure as trap, swap mmu, jump.  If this model has been explored I’ll be fascinated to learn where it ran aground.

Have a look at scheduler activations [1], and their use in K42 [2].


[1] Thomas E. Anderson, Brian N. Bershad, Edward D. Lazoswka and Henry M. Levy. Scheduler Activations: Effective Kernel Support for the User-Level Management of Threads, TOCS (10) 1992

[2] Orran Krieger, Marc Auslander, Bryan Rosenburg, Robert W. Wisniewski, Jimi Xenidis, Dilma Da Silva, Michal Ostrowski, Jonathan Appavoo, Maria Butrico, Mark Mergen, Amos Waterland and Volkmar Uhlig. K42: Building a Complete Operating System, EuroSys 2006