Dear all,

As far as I tested, l4smnet.c file establishes a communication channel between client ann server l4linux and I asked couple of weeks ago about the posibility of multiple clients and one server example and Adam recommended me to use one of the l4linux, in this case server, as a router. That is exactly the way that I am following. For this reason, I tried first of all a simple example: one server two clients with two different shm. Interestingly, I couldn't see the second client. I couldn't evaluate whether this trial was logical or not, but if this works for one of the clients why not for the second?

Apart from this case, I attempt to convert l4shmnet from two l4linux to multiple case, but this is really not easy. I tried one shared memory first of all, modifying some parts of the code is quite difficult, you can easily encounter a failure such as page_fault. That's why I did two shared memory as mentioned above. My simple question, which way is really more logical, 1- using one shared memory for all clients and server or 2- multiple shared memory for each separate client. Is there any document or source snippet that I can to use a similar structure in l4re. shm code is already here, but it doesn't really give insight into this part.

Best Regards,
Cem Akpolat