Hi Everyone:
   I built the Fiasco µ-Kernel and the L4Re according to the guidelines.But when I tried to boot and run Fiasco, and used the commond "make grub2iso E=hello MODULE_SEARCH_PATH=~/l4re/src/kernel/fiasco/mybuild", an error occured. The erro message is "Unrecognized option `--output=/home/charles/l4re/src/l4/build/images/hello.iso'". So I modified the "--output" to " output_image"  in "src/l4/tool/lib/L4/Grub.pm"  line 80.  But another  error occured :"Unrecognized option `/tmp/buTPUhEBNv' ". This time , I really didn't know how to resolve it.
How can I run the Fiasco correctly?
Is there more detail infomation about running  Fiasco.OC?   


Best WishesŁĄ