Hm; tried adding the following line:

  hardeningDisable = [ "stackprotector" "pic" ];

per and This now seems to get me through the bootstrap.elf linking phase! But it fails soon afterwards on bootstrap32.elf :-( with:

  ld: skipping incompatible /nix/store/...-gcc-5.4.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/5.4.0/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc
  ld: cannot find -lgcc

Can I skip building bootstrap32.elf somehow? Or should I not?
Do I even have to build l4, or do I only need fiasco for l4linux? (fiasco seems to build OK with the initial hardeningDisable = [ "all" ]; I tried.) Or none at all, just the sources?


On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 10:06 PM, Mateusz Czaplinski <> wrote:
I'm trying to build L4 on NixOS in a VM (long term goal: try to learn how to replace NixOS's kernel with L4Linux, then maybe Genode). I'm getting an error like below:

  undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail'

during linking of bootstrap.elf - in a GCC's error-barf just after:

  [bootstrap] ==> Linking bootstrap.elf

I've put up the precise Nix expression/script I'm using to build it on github - at:
but what it generally boils down to is a sequence of commands like this:

  $ wget
  $ tar xf l4re-core-2016082114.tar.xz
  $ cd l4re-core-2016082114
  $ mkdir out
  $ cp src/l4/mk/defconfig/config.amd64 out/l4/.kconfig
make -C src/l4 O=out/l4 olddefconfig
make -C out/l4

I've tried various additional changes, based on some snippets found here and there on teh Internets, like:
  - adding V=0 to the last make (no idea what it does yet, just some cargo culting)
  - adding NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-fno-stack-protector"; to the Nix expression/script (also not really sure where it applies in the stack);
but none of the above helped.

Any idea what I could try doing to push it further?
