thanks,now I am using i386-elf-gcc,but also has some error.
would you please give a advise which compiler and which enviroment could compile them pass?

i am using fiasco-1.0.tar.gz and fiasco-1.0-oskit.tar.gz


-----Original Message-----
From: Volkmar Uhlig [mailto:volkmar@ira.uka.de]
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 11:59 AM
To: Wen, Jun (? ? IAC-N)
Cc: l4-hackers@os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Subject: RE: build error

Using the native cygwin compiler will quite likely make you pulling your
hair out.  Try building a cross compiler for linux and elf and use that
instead.  The PE standard the cygwin gcc spits out conflicts with many
assumptions in asm code and linker files, such as naming conventions of
sections, symbols, etc.

- Volkmar