Hello all,

I am presently starting to write about L4; I was an admin in financial technology from 1999 to 2002 and I specifically worked to integrate OSs to enable the workforces of the world, and I also attempted to help talented youth learn to operate systems, and also hoped to help impoverished nations join the Information Society.

Here is my personal website where my writing will be presented.  You can see my motivations: http://thinman.com (it is presently in its "capstone degree project" format, which earned me an A.  I will be attempting to evolve it in the near future into a mix of operating systems, hardware platforms, education, and fine art to create the kind of mental diversity we find in a healthy society.

In 2000, I strongly felt that Linux needed to evolve, and that new OSs needed to be introduced to the public domain.  I looked at ExOS, and I liked it a lot, but it had the problem of being tied to only a single CPU architecture.

In 2002 I got fired along w/ all my technology collaborators and fellow club members because of the tech crash, and then I also started to suffer the traumatic after affects from being a volunteer rescuer during the terror attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001.  Probably a hundred or more people I knew were killed, including 1/2 of my local fire department whom I knew personally.  Also former coworkers of mine as well as many of the Sun techs and sales staff I knew had perished.  The Sybase meeting rooms that had been frequent meeting places for my various clubs has also been destroyed.

What I did afterwards to get past my grief issues was become a long haul truck driver, and I drove the roads of the US for a few years, which actually was an incredibly enlightening experience.  In 2005, when I was about to start investing in my own truck fleet, I had an epiphany -- to teach middle school kids science, and especially technology.  I believe that middle school and high school students, from my experiences, are the best potential technology core from the perspective of the future-- and they work for free.

Also, I should mention that many people are saying that OS development in general has slowed to a near halt.  This appears to me to be so, though all of you involved in L4 are not to blame!  I feel that L4, as the leading new OS, can be a focus for, or perhaps locus of, all the things we need to do, and all the reflections we need to make based on the nearly two decades of successful, yet ultimately heartbreaking experiences, in the new Information Society.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance, John


