Thanks. I was able to run the example.

2011/10/5 Björn Döbel <>
On 05.10.2011 15:05, Ivan Loskutov wrote:
> Hello, Hackers!
> How can I start ankh examples?
> I think I need use src/l4/pkg/ankh/doc/ankh.lua.

You can use it, but right now I feel it's a bit over-engineered for an

> But what is "require ("Aw");"

That's a Lua library containing startup code for instance for the IO
server. It can be found in l4/pkg/ned/doc

> and what must I write to files ankh.vbus and modules.list for
> x86 qemu? I use l4re-snapshot-2011081207.

Here's my modules list for the lwip_test example:

entry lwip
kernel fiasco -jdb_cmd=JS -serial_esc
roottask moe rom/lwip.lua
module l4re
module ned
module io
module ankh
module ankh.vbus
module lwip.lua
module Aw.lua
module lwip_test

Attached is ankh.vbus (I also added it to l4/pkg/ankh/doc in our SVN)
and lwip.lua (also added to the SVN now).


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