I'm testing Fiasco.OC+L4re on YSE5250 (Exynos 5250) Board. I have compiled and tested some examples. I'm testing a GPS Driver for the board. The GPS is conected over UART3 at 9600 baudrate, first I'm testing UART3 port comunicating the UART1 serial output with UART3. I'm following as example the serial-drv package on L4re.
I have adapted the source code to my uart driver
>>> gps_drv.cc
#include <l4/drivers/uart_s3c2410.h>
#include <l4/io/io.h>
#include <l4/re/env>
#include <l4/re/error_helper>
#include <l4/re/namespace>
#include <l4/re/util/cap_alloc>
#include <l4/re/util/object_registry>
#include <l4/re/util/icu_svr>
#include <l4/re/util/vcon_svr>
#include <l4/sys/irq>
#include <l4/util/util.h>

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>

#define IRQ_NUM 86
#define UART_BASE 0x12C30000

static L4::Cap<void> srv_rcv_cap;

class Loop_hooks :
  public L4::Ipc_svr::Ignore_errors,
  public L4::Ipc_svr::Default_timeout,
  public L4::Ipc_svr::Compound_reply
  void setup_wait(L4::Ipc::Istream &istr, bool)
    istr << L4::Ipc::Small_buf(srv_rcv_cap.cap(), L4_RCV_ITEM_LOCAL_ID);
    l4_utcb_br_u(istr.utcb())->bdr = 0;

using L4Re::Env;
using L4Re::Util::Registry_server;
static Registry_server<Loop_hooks> server(l4_utcb(),

using L4Re::Util::Vcon_svr;
using L4Re::Util::Icu_cap_array_svr;

class GPS_server :
  public Vcon_svr<GPS_server>,
  public Icu_cap_array_svr<GPS_server>,
  public L4::Server_object
  virtual ~GPS_server() throw() {}

  bool running() const { return _running; }

  int vcon_write(const char *buffer, unsigned size);
  unsigned vcon_read(char *buffer, unsigned size);

  L4::Cap<void> rcv_cap() { return srv_rcv_cap; }

  int handle_irq();
  bool init();
  int dispatch(l4_umword_t obj, L4::Ipc::Iostream &ios);

  bool _running;
  L4::Uart *_uart;
  L4::Cap<L4::Irq> _uart_irq;
  Icu_cap_array_svr<GPS_server>::Irq _irq;

  : Icu_cap_array_svr<GPS_server>(1, &_irq),
    _running(false), _uart(0), _uart_irq(L4_INVALID_CAP),
  if (init())
    _running = true;

int GPS_server::vcon_write(const char *buffer, unsigned size)
  _uart->write(buffer, size);
  return -L4_EOK;

unsigned GPS_server::vcon_read(char *buffer, unsigned size)
  unsigned i = 0;
  while (_uart->char_avail() && size)
      int c = _uart->get_char(false);
      if (c >= 0)
      buffer[i++] = (char)c;
  // if there still some data available send this info to the client
  if (_uart->char_avail())
  return i;

int GPS_server::handle_irq()
  if (_irq.cap().is_valid())

  return L4_EOK;

bool GPS_server::init()
  l4_addr_t virt_base = 0;

  // Mapeando memoria de registros del UART
  if (l4io_request_iomem((l4_addr_t)UART_BASE, 0x1000, L4IO_MEM_NONCACHED, &virt_base))
      printf("gps-drv: request io-memory from l4io failed.\n");
      return false;
  printf("gps-drv: virtual base at:%lx\n", virt_base);

  // Inicializando memoria de los registros del UART
  L4::Io_register_block_mmio *regs = new L4::Io_register_block_mmio(virt_base);

  // Inicializando UART
  _uart = new (malloc(sizeof(L4::Uart_s5pv210))) L4::Uart_s5pv210;
   * FIX - Ajustando el BaudRate del UART
   * Valores calculados experimentalmente a través del UART1
   *   SCLK_UART = 100 MHz
   * TODO - Hacer el ajuste del BaudRate en el propio UART
   regs->write<unsigned int>(0x28,0x28a);
   regs->write<unsigned int>(0x2C,0x0);

  _uart_irq = L4Re::Util::cap_alloc.alloc<L4::Irq>();
  if (!_uart_irq.is_valid())
      printf("gps-drv: Alloc capability for uart-irq failed.\n");
      return false;

  if (l4io_request_irq(IRQ_NUM, _uart_irq.cap()))
      printf("gps-drv: request uart-irq from l4io failed\n");
      return false;

 /* setting IRQ type to L4_IRQ_F_POS_EDGE seems to be wrong place */
  if (l4_error(_uart_irq->attach((l4_umword_t)static_cast<L4::Server_object *>(this),
      printf("gps-drv: attach to uart-irq failed.\n");
      return false;

  if ((l4_ipc_error(_uart_irq->unmask(), l4_utcb())))
      printf("gps-drv: unmask uart-irq failed.\n");
      return false;

   srv_rcv_cap = L4Re::Util::cap_alloc.alloc<void>();
  if (!srv_rcv_cap.is_valid())
      printf("serial-drv: Alloc capability for rcv-cap failed.\\n");
      return false;
  return true;

GPS_server::dispatch(l4_umword_t obj, L4::Ipc::Iostream &ios)
  l4_msgtag_t tag;
  ios >> tag;
  switch (tag.label())
    case L4_PROTO_IRQ:
      if (!L4Re::Util::Icu_svr<GPS_server>::dispatch(obj, ios))
    return handle_irq();
    case L4_PROTO_LOG:
      return L4Re::Util::Vcon_svr<GPS_server>::dispatch(obj, ios);
      return -L4_EBADPROTO;

int main()
  char buffer[100];
  int tmp;
  static GPS_server gps_srv;

  // Register calculation server
  if (!server.registry()->register_obj(&gps_srv, "gps_srv").is_valid())
    printf("Could not register GPS service, is there a 'gps_srv' in the caps table?\n");
    return 1;

  if (!gps_srv.running())
      printf("Failed to initialize serial driver; Aborting.\n");
      return 1;

  gps_srv.vcon_write("Hola Mundo\n",11);
  tmp = gps_srv.vcon_read(buffer,11);
      printf("Readed data: %s\n",buffer);
  // Wait for client requests
  return 0;
I have created my run config file
>>> gps-drv.cfg
-- Shortcuts
local ld = L4.default_loader;
local vbus_uart03 = ld:new_channel();
local platform_ctl = ld:new_channel();
local gps_srv = ld:new_channel();
-- Start the IO Server
    caps = {
        sigma0       = L4.cast(L4.Proto.Factory, L4.Env.sigma0):create(L4.Proto.Sigma0);
        icu          = L4.Env.icu;
        platform_ctl = platform_ctl:svr();
        uart03        = vbus_uart03:svr();
    log = { "IO Server", "green" },
    l4re_dbg = L4.Dbg.Warn,
}, "rom/io rom/yse5250.devs rom/yse5250.io");

-- Start the GPS Driver Server conected to UART3
    caps = {
        gps_srv = gps_srv:svr();
        vbus =  vbus_uart03;
    log = {"GPS Driver","blue"}
}, "rom/gps_drv");
And have created the yse5250.devs and yse5250.io to put the UART3 on a virtual BUS
>>> yse5250.devs
local Hw = Io.Hw
local Res = Io.Res
    UART3 = Hw.Device
        hid = "UART3";
        Res.mmio(0x12C30000, 0x12C3ffff);
>>> yse5250.io
    -- Create a virtual bus for a client and give access to UART3
    uart03 = Io.Vi.System_bus(function ()
        dev = wrap(Io.system_bus():match("UART3"));
On modules.list have added an entry for my example
entry GPS-Driver
kernel fiasco -serial_esc
roottask moe rom/gps-drv.cfg
module l4re
module ned
module gps-drv.cfg
module gps_drv
module io
module yse5250.devs
module yse5250.io
After that i have compiled and uploaded the example to the board. At runtime, i got the "Hola Mundo" over UART3 but when I write in the UART3 I never read the written information.
Something is wrong with my code?
Lic. Reinier Millo Sánchez
Centro de Estudios de Informática
Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas

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 antes de escribir ... piensa;
  antes de herir ... siente;
 antes de rendirte ... intenta;
  antes de morir ... vive"