Hi everyone,

I'm a student at the university of Antwerp and I'm currently working on

my master's thesis. My project is about comparing the performance of

a few global multicore scheduling algorithms (G-RM, G-EDF, ...) on 

an embedded system. A part of my thesis is to make an implementation 

on a real embedded system equipped with a quadcore processor (i.MX6).

To do that I need an RTOS. Fiasco with the l4re at a first sight seems 

an interesting candidate.

To test the performance of the above algorithms I will schedule a bunch

of randomly generated tasksets comprising some periodic tasks having 

implicit deadlines* with each of the algorithms and try to detect if any 

deadlines are missed.

* Such a task is executed repeatedly after a fixed amount of time and its

deadline is equal to its period, which is the point of time when the next 

invocation of the task takes place.

This brings me to my first question:

Would this be achievable with the fiasco kernel?

I've been trying to interpret the project of the fiasco kernel during the

last days, but this seems easier said than done. As a first step I've been

trying to figure out how the scheduler works and how exactly the

scheduling policies are implemented. (I have read somewhere the

current scheduling policy is fixed priority round robin)

Is there perhaps a more documented version of the code or an 

overview of the different classes, their functions and the way they 

interact available? It's really hard to figure out a bunch of code 

without any leads on how exactly the project has been implemented.

Besides that I don't really have a clue about how to start developing

on the fiasco kernel. Some tips about how to start working on the kernel

are always welcome.

Has anyone got experience with developing on the fiasco kernel?

It would be nice to get some directions on this matter because I'm

quite stuck on this.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
