
Sorry, it's my typo.
The worse case is 200us.
In my test, before the client sends IPC, I record the time using rdtsc.
When the server receives this IPC, I also do rdtsc.
The difference between this is the response time. I run this many iterations and the maximum value is the worse case result.
I filter out the timer interrupt, but do not flush the cache and tlb.

Thank you very much,

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 4:41 PM, Adam Lackorzynski <adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de> wrote:
On Tue Aug 05, 2014 at 13:03:51 -0400, Yuxin Ren wrote:
> Now I am testing the response time in Fiasco, especially for the worse case.
> The results are strange.
> The worse case result are always around 2us.
> I have filtered out the timer interrupt, so I cannot understand what
> happened.
> I am using intel IA32 multi core cpu.
> Do you have any idea about what can cause the 2us delay?

For worst case, 2µs does not seem bad to me for this type of CPU. How
did you try to get the worst case (or do you mean something different
with 'worse case'?)?

Adam                 adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de
  Lackorzynski         http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/~adam/

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