Hi all!
I need your help again.
I have built the fiasco,l4env,l4linux on my fedora core 5.
But there are someting wrong with booting l4linux,it says "The running kernel does not have the l4lx segments " and goes to jdb.
The following is the log when booting ,and also the configuration file ,menu.list 
>>>>>                LOG                >>>>>
Welcome to Fiasco(ia32)!
DD-L4(v2)/x86 microkernel (C) 1998-2007 TU Dresden
Rev: r121 compiled with gcc 4.1.0 for Intel Pentium
Performance-critical config option(s) detected:
Enabling special fully nested mode for PIC
Using the PIT (i8254) on IRQ 0 for scheduling
SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart
SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart
Not using serial hack in slow timer handler.
Absolute KIP Syscalls using: Sysenter
CPU: GenuineIntel (F:4:3:0) Model: Pentium 4E (Prescott/Nocona) at 3000 MHz
 128 Entry I TLB (4K or 4M pages)
  64 Entry D TLB (4k or 4M pages)
 12K ?ops T Cache (8-way associative)
  16 KB L1 D Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
2048 KB L2 U Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
Freeing init code/data: 20480 bytes (5 pages)
Calibrating timer loop... done.
SIGMA0: Hello!
  KIP @ 1000
  Found Fiasco: KIP syscalls: yes
  allocated 4KB for maintenance structures
  Command line found: "/boot/l4linux/roottask task modname "bmodfs" attached 4 modules"
  507454kB ( 495MB) total RAM (reported by bootloader)
  461396kB ( 451MB) received RAM from Sigma0
   25504kB (  25MB) reserved RAM for RMGR
  Received I/O ports 0000-ffff
  Attached irqs = [ <!0> 1 <!2> 3 <!4> 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 11 ]
Roottask: Parsing command line config.
  configured task 0x00 (bmodfs):
    vm_offs:0 irq:3ffff lmcp:ffff allow_cli:0 mcp:ff prio:10 small:ff mods:4
Roottask: Loading 14 modules.
#05: loading "/boot/l4linux/events"
     from [06121000-06161f16] to [01540000-01548b30][01549000-0155e5d0]
     entry at 0005b370 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [1c841000-1c843000] (8kB), lines at [1c83b000-1c841000] (24kB)
#06: loading "/boot/l4linux/names --events"
     from [06162000-0619fc75] to [002d0000-002d5eca][002d6000-002e1000]
     entry at 0005c378 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [1c839000-1c83b000] (8kB), lines at [1c834000-1c839000] (20kB)
#07: loading "/boot/l4linux/log --events"
     from [061a0000-061db22f] to [00400000-0040688a][00407000-00439848]
     entry at 0005d374 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [1c832000-1c834000] (8kB), lines at [1c82c000-1c832000] (24kB)
#08: loading "/boot/l4linux/loader --fprov=BMODFS linuz26.cfg"
     from [061dc000-062ade15] to [01300000-01324d9d][01325000-01343000]
     entry at 0005e388 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [1c826000-1c82c000] (24kB), lines at [1c80f000-1c826000] (92kB)
#09: loading "/boot/l4linux/dm_phys --isa=0x00800000 -v --events"
     from [062ae000-06337fa6] to [01500000-0151218a][01513000-0151d000]
     entry at 0005f38c via trampoline page code
     symbols at [1c80a000-1c80f000] (20kB), lines at [1c7fe000-1c80a000] (48kB)
#0a: loading "/boot/l4linux/simple_ts -t 300 --events"
     from [06338000-06381ed6] to [01400000-0140814a][01409000-01418608]
     entry at 00061380 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [1c7fc000-1c7fe000] (8kB), lines at [1c7f5000-1c7fc000] (28kB)
#0b: loading "/boot/l4linux/rtc --events"
     from [06382000-063b1cd7] to [01080000-010840c0][01085000-0108a000]
     entry at 00062374 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [1c7f3000-1c7f5000] (8kB), lines at [1c7ef000-1c7f3000] (16kB)
#0c: loading "/boot/l4linux/l4io --noirq --events"
     from [063b2000-066098e5] to [00b80000-00ba21b1][00ba3000-00c0b000]
     entry at 0006337c via trampoline page code
     symbols at [1c79c000-1c7ef000] (332kB), lines at [1c784000-1c79c000] (96kB)
#0d: loading "/boot/l4linux/l4dope --l4io "
     from [0660a000-06772ae0] to [01b00000-01b40fe5][01b41000-01b82000]
     entry at 00064378 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [1c776000-1c784000] (56kB), lines at [1c74c000-1c776000] (168kB)
#0e: loading "/boot/l4linux/bmodfs"
     from [06773000-0680f912] to [01220000-0123559d][01236000-0124d000]
     passing module /boot/l4linux/vmlinuz26               [ 06810000-07752e29 ]
     passing module /boot/l4linux/linuz26.cfg             [ 07753000-0775307a ]
     passing module /boot/l4linux/libloader.s.so          [ 07754000-077f182c ]
     passing module /boot/l4linux/libld-l4.s.so           [ 077f2000-0786a8f1 ]
     entry at 00065420 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [1c747000-1c74c000] (20kB), lines at [1c737000-1c747000] (64kB)
log     | /boot/l4linux/log: unrecognized option `--events'
log     | Unrecognized option: - ?
log     | Usage: /boot/l4linux/log <options>. Option list:
log     |  [ -h | --help ]          - this help
log     |  [ -v | --verbose ]       - verbose mode
log     |  [ -l | --local ]         - flush to local console
log     |  [ -L | --nolocal ]       - do not flush to local console
log     |  [ -s | --comport num ]   - flush to specified serial interface (0)
log     |  [ -e | --serial-esc ]    - enter kdebug on esc on serial
log     |  [ -b | --buffer num ]    - buffered mode (0)
log     |  [ --flushprio num ]      - priority of flusher thread (0x20)
log     |  [ -p | --prio num ]      - priority of main thread (0x20)
names   | Starting thread listening for `exit' events
simplets| Configured for 300 tasks.
rtc     | Date:09.07.2007 Time:08:54:28
DMphys  | DMphys memory map:
DMphys  |   phys. memory 0x00000000-0x1eff0000 (from L4 kernel info page)
DMphys  |   using 0x00100000-0x1eff0000
DMphys  |        Memory area      Pool  PS  Flags
DMphys  |   0x00000000-0x0009f000  --   --  RESERVED 
DMphys  |   0x00100000-0x00161000  --   --  RESERVED 
DMphys  |   0x00161000-0x001cc000  --   --  DENIED
DMphys  |   0x001cc000-0x002d0000   7   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x002d0000-0x002e1000  --   --  DENIED
DMphys  |   0x002e1000-0x00400000   7   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x00400000-0x0043a000  --   --  DENIED
DMphys  |   0x0043a000-0x00a17000   7   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x00a17000-0x00b80000   0   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x00b80000-0x00c0b000  --   --  DENIED
DMphys  |   0x00c0b000-0x01080000   0   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x01080000-0x0108a000  --   --  DENIED
DMphys  |   0x0108a000-0x01220000   0   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x01220000-0x0124d000  --   --  DENIED
DMphys  |   0x0124d000-0x01300000   0   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x01300000-0x01343000  --   --  DENIED
DMphys  |   0x01343000-0x01400000   0   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x01400000-0x01419000  --   --  DENIED
DMphys  |   0x01419000-0x01500000   0   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x01500000-0x0151c000  --   --  RESERVED 
DMphys  |   0x0151c000-0x01540000   0   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x01540000-0x0155f000  --   --  DENIED
DMphys  |   0x0155f000-0x01b00000   0   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x01b00000-0x01b82000  --   --  DENIED
DMphys  |   0x01b82000-0x01c00000   0   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x01c00000-0x06800000   0   22  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x06800000-0x06810000   0   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x06810000-0x0786b000  --   --  DENIED
DMphys  |   0x0786b000-0x07c00000   0   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x07c00000-0x1c400000   0   22  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x1c400000-0x1c737000   0   12  MAPPED 
DMphys  |   0x1c737000-0x1eff0000  --   --  DENIED
DMphys  | 
DMphys  | DMphys memory pools:
DMphys  |  pool 0 (Default memory pool):
DMphys  |  size: 437160KB total, 437160KB free,  32KB reserved
DMphys  |   0x00a17000-0x00b80000 (  1444KB,    1MB) free DS:
DMphys  |   0x00c0b000-0x01080000 (  4564KB,    4MB) free DS:
DMphys  |   0x0108a000-0x01220000 (  1624KB,    2MB) free DS:
DMphys  |   0x0124d000-0x01300000 (   716KB,    1MB) free DS:
DMphys  |   0x01343000-0x01400000 (   756KB,    1MB) free DS:
DMphys  |   0x01419000-0x01500000 (   924KB,    1MB) free DS:
DMphys  |   0x0151c000-0x01540000 (   144KB,    0MB) free DS:
DMphys  |   0x0155f000-0x01b00000 (  5764KB,    6MB) free DS:
DMphys  |   0x01b82000-0x06810000 ( 78392KB,   77MB) free DS:
DMphys  |   0x0786b000-0x1c737000 (342832KB,  335MB) free DS:
DMphys  |  pool 7 (ISA DMA memory pool):
DMphys  |  size:   8192KB total,   8192KB free,   0KB reserved
DMphys  |   0x001cc000-0x002d0000 (  1040KB,    1MB) free DS:
DMphys  |   0x002e1000-0x00400000 (  1148KB,    1MB) free DS:
DMphys  |   0x0043a000-0x00a17000 (  6004KB,    6MB) free DS:
bmodfs  | Passed the following modules:
bmodfs  |   module "/boot/l4linux/vmlinuz26" (15628kB)
bmodfs  |   module "/boot/l4linux/linuz26.cfg" (1kB)
bmodfs  |   module "/boot/l4linux/libloader.s.so" (631kB)
bmodfs  |   module "/boot/l4linux/libld-l4.s.so" (483kB)
loader  | vmlinuz26: Starting application using libld-l4.s.so
loader  | vmlinuz26,#f: Loading binary
loader  | vmlinuz26,#f: Loading ldso
loader  | Capability support not enabled.
loader  | vmlinuz26,#f: Starting libld-l4.s.so at 00013870 via 0000cc54
l4dope  | /boot/l4linux/l4dope: unrecognized option `--l4io'
l4dope  | DOpE(init): unknown option!
io      | /boot/l4linux/l4io: unrecognized option `--noirq'
io      | Enabling events support.
io      | PCI: Using configuration type 1
io      | PCI: Probing PCI hardware
io      | PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00)
io      | PCI: Ignoring BAR0-3 of IDE controller 00:1f.2
io      | Transparent bridge - Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge
io      | 00000000-ffffffff : PCI mem
io      |   e0000000-efffffff : Intel Corporation 82865G/PE/P DRAM Controller/H
io      : ost-Hub Interface
io      |   f0000000-f7ffffff : Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Co
io      : ntroller
io      |   f9000000-f90000ff : Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/
io      : 8139C+
io      |   f9001000-f9001fff : Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) integ
io      : rated LAN Controller
io      |   fa000000-fa07ffff : Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Co
io      : ntroller
io      |   fa080000-fa0803ff : Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB2 
io      : EHCI Controller
io      |   fa081000-fa0811ff : Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97
io      :  Audio Controller
io      |   fa082000-fa0820ff : Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97
io      :  Audio Controller
io      | 0000-ffff : PCI IO
io      |   0cf8-0cff : PCI conf1
io      |   1400-141f : Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) SMBus Control
io      : ler
io      |   a000-a0ff : Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+
io      |   a400-a43f : Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) integrated LA
io      : N Controller
io      |   b000-b01f : Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI Cont
io      : roller #1
io      |   b400-b41f : Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI Cont
io      : roller #2
io      |   b800-b81f : Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI Cont
io      : roller #3
io      |   bc00-bc1f : Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI Cont
io      : roller #4
io      |   c000-c007 : Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller
io      |   dc00-dcff : Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio C
io      : ontroller
io      |   e000-e03f : Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio C
io      : ontroller
io      |   f000-f00f : Intel Corporation 82801EB (ICH5) SATA Controller
io      | Available IRQs=[ <!0> 1 <!2> 3 <!4> 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 ]
l4dope  | L4INPUT native mode activated
l4dope  | L4INPUT:                !!! W A R N I N G !!!
l4dope  | L4INPUT:  Please, do not use Fiasco's "-esc" with L4INPUT.
l4dope  | L4INPUT:                !!! W A R N I N G !!!
ROOT: Sending ports 0060-006f to task #0c
l4dope  | serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
l4dope  | serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
l4lx    | ======> L4Linux 2.6 starting... <========
l4lx    | Linux version 2.6.21-l4 (root@lgh-FC5) (gcc version 4.1.0 20060304 (R
l4lx    : ed Hat 4.1.0-3)) #19 Wed Jul 4 10:19:59 CST 2007
l4lx    | Binary name: vmlinuz26
l4lx    | Kernel command line (4 args): earlyprintk=yes mem=256M video=l4fb roo
l4lx    : t=/dev/sda7
l4lx    | The running kernel does not have the
l4lx    |       segments
l4lx    | feature enabled!
    --kernel feature missing!--------------------------------IP: 0040163b      
[l4lx.main] (f.02) jdb: 
>>>>> the config file "linuz26.config"  >>>>>
verbose 0
task "vmlinuz26" "earlyprintk=yes mem=256M video=l4fb root=/dev/sda7"
>>>>>       the menu.list of grub       >>>>>
title L4Linux26/Fiasco+dope
        root (hd0,6)
        kernel /boot/l4linux/bootstrap
        modaddr 0x06000000
        module /boot/l4linux/main -nowait -nokdb -serial_esc -comspeed 115200 -c
omport 1
        module  /boot/l4linux/sigma0
        module  /boot/l4linux/roottask task modname "bmodfs" attached 4 modules
        module  /boot/l4linux/events
        module  /boot/l4linux/names --events
        module  /boot/l4linux/log --events
        module  /boot/l4linux/loader --fprov=BMODFS linuz26.cfg
        module  /boot/l4linux/dm_phys --isa=0x00800000 -v --events
        module  /boot/l4linux/simple_ts -t 300 --events
        module  /boot/l4linux/rtc --events
        module  /boot/l4linux/l4io --noirq --events
        module  /boot/l4linux/l4dope --l4io
        module  /boot/l4linux/bmodfs
                module  /boot/l4linux/vmlinuz26
                module  /boot/l4linux/linuz26.cfg
                module  /boot/l4linux/libloader.s.so
                module  /boot/l4linux/libld-l4.s.so
        vbeset  0x117 506070

MOTONBAÀºÇòÈüÕÐļ( http://d1.sina.com.cn/sina/limeng3/mail_zhuiyu/2007/mail_zhuiyu_20070709.html )

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