I use the Snapshot: l4re-snapshot-2013060718 and tried the L4Linux-mag-x86 - entry in l4/conf/modules.list
The configuration with the modaddr leads to region conflicts, so I got
modaddr 0x02000000
default-kernel fiasco -serial_esc
default-bootstrap bootstrap
entry L4Linux-mag-x86
roottask moe rom/l4lx-gfx.cfg
module l4re
module ned
module l4lx-gfx.cfg
module io
module fb-drv
module mag
module x86-legacy.devs
module l4lx-x86.io
module vmlinuz
module ramdisk-x86.rd
to boot.
The .config file for l4linux is the x86-native_defconfig (the only difference is the setting of CONFIG_L4_OBJ_TREE).
Why can't l4linux get the memory ? l4linux | l4x_setup_memory: Can't get main memory of 65536kiB!
What must be done to make the l4linux-Configuration working ?
   Rudolf Weber