
We had a similar problem working with Fiasco.OC and GendodeOS on ODROID-X2 (Exynos4412) platform. In this case after the review of GenodeOS and Fiasco.OC, we identified a small problem in the TrustZone implementation, where interrupts remain disabled.

Perhaps this is not the same problem but it can help.


Best regards

On 09/22/2016 10:32 AM, li94575 wrote:
Hi, adam
>On Mon Sep 19, 2016 at 22:55:52 +0800, li94575 wrote:
>>     I compiled the l4re-snapshot-2014092821 with the default modules.list, and everything seems goes
>> well. However, L4Linux would stop at "Calibrating delay loop ...", because the value of jiffies did not change.
>> Timer thread has not generate soft interrupt? If I entered jdb via ESC at this time, and quit via "g", then 
>> l4linux can run again. It makes me confused so much.
>>     Any help or suggestion will be very welcome.
>This behavior typically indicates that there's an issue with Fiasco's
>timer interrupt or with the user-level one in L4Linux.
>For a start you could add e.g. a printk(".\n") in timer_thread in
>arch/l4/kernel/timer.c to see if it really does something.
>Does 'hello' work?
>Although it's a bit of work you could also compare the code of your
>snapshot and a recent one if there's any significant change (i.e. fix)
>that might be relevant. Check arch/l4/kernel/timer.c
>and src/kern/arm/timer-arm-generic.cpp and
>src/kern/arm/generic_timer.cpp in the Fiasco kernel.
'Hello' can work well, which prints "Hello World!" circularly. I add printk(".\n") in timer_thread in
arch/l4/kernel/timer.c, and found timer_thread stop at l4_ipc_reply_and_wait(u, t, &l, to) after
initializing the variable ‘increment’. However, if I use LOG_printf() for printing, the phenomenon
is different, that timer_thread trigers a soft interrupt once. I have checked src/kern/arm/timer-arm-generic.cpp
and src/kern/arm/generic_timer.cpp in the Fiasco kernel, there is less likely to be a problem with them.


l4-hackers mailing list

MsC. Reinier Millo Sánchez
Centro de Estudios de Informática
Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
Carretera a Camajuaní Km 5 1/2
Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba
CP 54830

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 antes de rendirte ... intenta;
  antes de morir ... vive"