Dear colleagues,

the fourth Workshop on Isolation and Integration in Embedded Systems,
organized by Olaf Spinczyk (TU Dortmund), Jörg Nolte (BTU Cottbus) and 
myself (TU Dortmund), takes place on October 9th, 2011 at ESweek in 
Taipei, Taiwan. 

Embedded systems developers today are confronted with a large variety 
of challenges in the design and implementation of a system. Issues such 
as co-location of different applications, platform integration of different 
embedded operating environments as well as safety and protection of 
embedded software systems require novel approaches to embedded 
systems development as well as the adaptation of technologies from 
mainframe and desktop computing, like virtualization and emulation. 
This, in turn, will change traditional embedded design processes to 
include hardware and software of growing complexity.

The IIES workshop is a platform to discuss recent developments and
novel concepts in these areas. We would be happy if you submitted a 
research or position paper. Submissions may be up to six pages long 
(ACM SIGOPS Format). 

Submission deadline: August 15th, 2011
Notification of acceptance: September 12th, 2011
Workshop: October 9th, 2011

Best regards,
   Michael Engel (
Dr. Michael Engel -
TU Dortmund                                      Phone: +49 231 755 6141
Faculty of Computer Science XII                  Fax:   +49 231 755 6116
Embedded Systems Group  -  Otto-Hahn-Str. 16 - D-44221 Dortmund, Germany