hello everyone!
    i am a student from china. recently i did some research  on  Fiasco. i  wonder how can i download the previous releases of fiasco,l4re and l4linux.
    i found the latest version of fiasco,l4re and l4linux here at http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/download/snapshots-oc/.i want to get l4linux with the linux kernel 2.6.32 or 2.6.34 or 2.6.35 and the compatible fiasco microkernel and l4re.
    i have another question. now the fiasco microkernel becomes fiasco.OC.when did it get this changes? and what does it mean with the name of the version like fiasco-2011081207.
    i am beginner with so much doubt and waiting for request of teachers.

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