I recently built the microkernel and tried to boot it using "qemu" but it doesn't work. qemu just seems to not even seem to recognize the image as a bootable image. I followed the instructions given on the site and everything worked, right up to the point where it doesn't boot. I must say though that I did slightly tweak the steps given on the site to create the image file since the original ones didn't work for me. I am really new to qemu so I don't have the slightest clue as to why this isn't working. If anyone experienced this problem or at least know how to resolve this please help me.

The step I followed in order to create the image follows:

dd if=/dev/zero of=l4-image.img bs=512 count=8640

mke2fs l4-image.img

mkdir /media/mount_point

mount -o loop l4-image.img /media/mount_point

mkdir /media/mount_point/boot

mkdir /media/mount_point/boot/grub

cp -aR grub_stages/* /media/mount_point/boot/grub

cp -aR modules/* /media/mount_point

umount /media/mount_point