Hi Hendrik,

Pistachio is about 10000 loc, I can't think of why in such difference. Pistachio makes a huge effort on portability so probably having such a good ABI-API segregation makes it longer in loc. but that is just a guess, do you know about IPC performance differences between MINIX and L4?



On 6/26/07, Hendrik Tews <H.Tews@cs.ru.nl> wrote:

I just noticed that the Minix 3 kernel is under 4000 lines. I
couldn't easily find numbers for Pistachio, but I guess it is
comparable to Fiasco, which is about 15.000 lines (without the
kernel debugger).

Could anybody explain why Fiasco is so big in comparison with
Minix 3? From the difference in size I would expect that there is
an essential difference in the feature set between Minix 3 and
Fiasco. Or are the Minix lines just four times longer on average?



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