I am looking for libraries to do coding on pistachio. As I understand L4Env gives a bunch of libraries - memory management libraries (dm_phys,...), l4io, etc. Could someone answer these questions:

1. From L4Env's docs I see it being used only with fiasco source code. Haven't come across any project that uses L4Env with pistachio. Any dependencies that I don't know of? If not are there any examples?
2. I want libraries for some basic functions - malloc, free, printf, etc. L4Env needs oskit, l4linux2.2 and fiasco L4 kernel. Aren't there any lightweight ways of getting such libraries for L4? Can parts of L4Env used seperately in pistachio tree?
3. I came across libCLight library which is the light implementation of libc. I could get it compiled in my pistachio tree, as done in IoL4 project. Can anyone compare using malloc in libCLight and using DMPhys of L4Env?

Hope these questions are not that naive.

Thanks in advance.