

I’ve been trying to find or write a webserver directly on L4Re (*NO* L4Linux involved) based on snapshot “l4re-snapshot-17.12”.

At first, I noticed that there was already a web server in “l4re-snapshot-17.12/src/l4/pkg/ankh”.

But it was broken, even if I removed the “broken” file to make, nothing was generated under “/path/to/build/pkg/ankh” except “Makefile”.


Then I intend to write a simple webserver (1st step a socket demo). Although there are socket APIs, I don’t know how to solve the NIC driver issues.

The same code works well on Linux but failed on L4Re.



  1. Is there any way to revive the “ankh”?
  2. If not, is there any way/demo to write a simple webserver directly on L4Re? Or how to solve the NIC driver issues?


