Hi :
  Everyone! I am a new one to use fiasco.OC.
  Now, I am compiling L4Linux for X86 and arm. But I didn't know how to configure the DDekit.
 In "l4/pkg/dde/Makefile", three senteces are being commented.
 "# $(VERBOSE)PWD=$(PWD)/linux26/include         $(MAKE) -C linux26/include
 # $(VERBOSE)PWD=$(PWD)/linux26/contrib/include $(MAKE) -C linux26/contrib/include"
"# $(VERBOSE)PWD=$(PWD)/linux26/lib             $(MAKE) -C linux26/lib"
  Does that mean I can't use the DDekit now?
  So I wondered can DDekit be used in L4Re? 
  If yes, how can I configure and compile the dde in /l4/pkg?