On Feb 18, 2015, at 1:58 PM, Harini Balachandran <harinisbcn@gmail.com> wrote:


I referred the document you suggested. I have set up my environment like this
Base - windows 8 , 64- bit
upon this, virtual machine , then UBUNTU, then l4re+fiasco+l4linux

Procr = intel core i5 , 
x86 board

What is your x86 board ? 
What is your ethernet tranceiver ?
(I used ARM board which has Atheros AR8031 for gigabit ethernet )

The document you sent was with respect to ARM procr.
Can I use the same .io and .cfg files?

Yes, whichever procr you use you should use .io and .cfg to enable ethernet driver and network device  on L4Linux.
But should change addresses in .io file like 'new-res Mmio(0x02188000 .. 0x0218BFFF);’.
You can find mmio addresses in data sheet for your CPU.
And refer to URL http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/L4Re/doc/io.html

Also should change information of architecture such as ‘if L4.Info.arch() == "arm” then’ in .cfg file 

If not, I dont know how to modify according to my set up.
Also how to modify the l4linux source code as it has been done for ARM  in the document ie mach_setup.c

What is the ethernet driver you’ll use ?
Where is source codes for the ethernet driver ? 
(I used ‘FEC ethernet driver’)

If mach_setup.c hasn’t registering 'platform device’ for your ethernet driver, should add it to mach_setup.c source code. 


Kindly help 


On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 12:29 PM, taeung <treeze.taeung@gmail.com> wrote:

On 02/16/2015 03:19 PM, Harini Balachandran wrote:
Hello sir,
   We saw your question related to networking being posted on l4re mailing list.We request you to assist us.
I have copied my binaries of socket program compiled statically to ramdisk for executing on l4linux.
When I execute,

//server side
/tmp # ./server1
Socket created 
bind done
Waiting for incoming connections....

//client side
/tmp # ./client1
connect failed. Error: Network is unreachable

Please list us the network support drivers that are to be enabled in l4linux configuration.Is there any other changes that have to be made apart from enabling the networking support in l4linux?
Thank You.

1. It is important that what is your boad and what is cpu on your board
2. You should register a network device in IO server
3. To access network device on L4 Linux, you need to configure ‘.io’ file

4. I don't know if this is of any help but I do hope so
The link has a document about porting and enabling ethernet on L4Linux.

