
thanks for answering me,

i still have some quetion...

1. i have got l4linux-2.6-env, fiasco and l4linux-2.6 from svn.
   my directory contains following sub-directory now : 
   l4linux-2.6/   l4/   dice/   tools/   kernel/
   after reading  http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/L4/LinuxOnL4/build-2.6.shtml
   i know the sequence of building L4Linux now.

   but...if i want to cross compile L4Linux for ARM, can i just add "CC=arm-linux-g++" to
   every "make" step in http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/L4/LinuxOnL4/build-2.6.shtml ?

   if not, can you show me how to do that more lucid
   ( i can't find many information about cross-compile L4Linux or any documents from Internet  )

2. as you metioned above, i should adapt the configuration of fiasco to my target platform, but...     (1) when do i do this? before make anything?
    (2) how to config fiasco? i know there is a step "make config O=/path/to/build/dir"  
         but i am not sure. are there any documents or tutorial web page?

thank you for answering me again

2007/7/4, Adam Lackorzynski <adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>:

On Tue Jul 03, 2007 at 16:46:27 +0800, kashin Lin wrote:
> i am a new hand to do this...
> so i really need some help & suggestions.
> this is my GOAL : run ( port )  L4linux on ARM platform (ARM920T-S3C2410)
> ( the link of that platform : PreSOCes-C in
> http://www.microtime.com.tw/English/PreSOC.htm )
> i have some question:
> 1. i know L4Linux must run with l4(fiasco) & l4env.but when i want to
> download L4Linux  from
>    http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/drops/download.html , instead of module "
> l4linux", svn only has module " l4linux-2.6-env".
>   so i am confused that is this module(l4linux-2.6-env) contains L4Linux +
> fiasco + l4env or just L4Linux or not at all???
>    or give me a suggestion about what i should download to achieve my goal

I've just improved the website a bit to be more correct. L4Linux has a
different repository. So, you need l4linux from the l4linux repository
and l4linux-2.6-env from the tudos repository.

> 2. to achieve my goal, i guess the process should be:
>    cross-compile source code to image ¡÷ load the image to target
>    platform ¡÷
> modify bootloader to boot from l4linux ¡÷ finish
>    is this process right ?
>    should i modify any file before cross-compiling l4linux?
>    are there any thing i should take care about?

Running system software on custom hardware nearly always needs adaptions
to this hardware. Fiasco must support the interrupt controller, timer,
UART of the platform to work at all. Looking at the website I fear that
all of this must be implemented first. I'm not familiar with hw from
this vendor. But as there's Linux available for this platform this
should be doable.

Adam                 adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de
  Lackorzynski         http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/~adam/

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