Hi Wajidali,

as far as I am concerned, a touchscreen for x86 computers is handled like a mouse. So if your touchscreen is connected to like an internal USB port or via virtual PS/2, you should be able to run everything that has mouse support in Fiasco/L4, like DOpE or nitpicker (see also Adam's overview e-mail on graphics: http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/pipermail/l4-hackers/2010/004454.html ).



Am 05.11.2012 23:42, schrieb Wajidali Whowe:
Dear all,

do you have any experience on configuring the touchscreen for L4? I have an x86 computer with a touchscreen and do not know where to start. Does anyone have a small tip for me to start? 

Best Regards

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