
I fin interesting Nova L4, What is it about?

Many thanks,


On 8/2/07, Marcus Voelp < voelp@os.inf.tu-dresden.de> wrote:

Ernst Rohlicek jun. wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I would just like to ask about the current status or some roadmap for
> L4.sec? Is it actively being worked on?
L4.sec is (and probably will be for quite some time) an experiment that
is still worked on in our group. Mainly due to maintenance and support
issues the sources have not been officially released yet. Our roadmap
regarding L4.sec is to continue experimenting with capabilities and user
controlled kernel memory management. Some of the results we already
integrated into the Fiasco kernel, which is our mainstream kernel as for
now. These include kernel memory quotas, security monitor style IPC
permissions (though no local names yet). Others are likely to be
integrated in some form in the Nova microhypervisor, which we are
currently developing in the course of the Robin project.
> Reason is: I need to choose a microkernel to start working on an
> experimental operating system within this year I need some facts for
> decision-making - and I would prefer a capability-based one like L4.sec.
Can you elaborate a little on what you plan to do? Possibly, we can give
you more advice on which kernel to use once we know what your plans are.
The L4 related stuff that is out there is:

Fiasco     (TU-Dresden mainstream kernel) + L4Env which is small
multiserver OS
Pistachio (Uni Karlsruhe, UNSW / NICTA mainstream kernel)

L4.Sec     (TUD, experimental)
Nova       (TUD, under development)

seL4        (UNSW / NICTA, Haskel implementation of an interface with
similar features to L4.sec, i.e.,
                 capabilities, kernel memory management, etc.)

+ some commercial versions
P4          (Sysgo)
OKL4     (Open Kernel Labs)

Best regards


Marcus Völp

Technische Universität Dresden
Department of Computer Science
Institute for System Architecture

Tel: +49 (351) 463 38350
Fax: +49 (351) 463 38284

Email: voelp@os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Web: http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/~voelp

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