Hello everyone,

I would appreciate getting some advice as to the proper way to customize and rebuild an L4Linux kernel.
I am testing Fiasco.OC/L4Re/L4Linux on a Beagleboard (ARM), I installed everything from the latest snapshot package, full build is fine, and launching the provided L4Linux "arm-up" kernel on my Beagleboard is ok.
Now, to customize the configuration of the L4Linux kernel, I did "make O=../../obj/l4linux/arm-up menuconfig" from \src\l4linux directory, adjusted a few options, saved & exited, so far so good.
Then I try to rebuild the L4Linux kernel using "make O=../../obj/l4linux/arm-up", and I get:

"<path...>/src/l4linux is not clean, please run 'make mrproper'
  in the '<path...>/src/l4linux' directory."

So I do just that,

<path..>/src/l4linux$ make O=../../obj/l4linux/arm-up mrproper

but :
- it ends with an error "rm: cannot remove `arch/l4/include/asm/orig-arch': Is a directory"
- as expected, it wipes out a lot of things in the target build directory, including... the .config corresponding to my customized kernel....back to square one.

I must be missing something trivial, so if someone could point it out to me... ;)
