

I would like to invite you to submit your research contributions and advanced (industrial) applications to the Embedded Software Track at DATE 2010. With this respect, I would especially like to refer to topic E4, which may be of particular interest to the L4 community.


Best regards,





                                Call for Papers


                      Embedded Software Track at DATE 2010


                                Dresden, Germany

                                March 8-12, 2010




The Design, Automation and Test in Europe conference and exhibition is the main European event bringing together design automation researchers, users and vendors, as well as specialists in the design, test, and manufacturing of electronic systems and circuits. It puts strong emphasis on embedded systems, including embedded software which has become a main track of DATE.


The DATE conference is a five-day event consisting of plenary keynotes, regular papers, interactive presentations, panels and hot-topic sessions, tutorials, master courses and workshops. The DATE conference and the exhibition, together with the many user group meetings, fringe meetings, university booth and social events offer a wide variety of opportunities to meet and to exchange information.


Embedded Topic Areas:


E1 Real-time, Networked, and Dependable Systems     

Chairs: Petru Eles, Linkoping University, Sweden; 

        Luís Almeida, Universidade do Porto, Portugal


Real-time programming languages and software; formal models for real-time systems; software performance analysis; worst case execution time analysis; scheduling and software estimation; real-time system optimization; verification; tools and design methods; adaptive real-time systems; dependable systems; software for safety critical systems; software for sensor networks and networked applications; network control and QoS for embedded applications.


E2 Compilers and Code Generation for Embedded Systems

Chairs: Shuvra Bhattacharyya, University of Maryland, USA;

        Rainer Leupers, RWTH Aachen,, Germany 


Software-centric system design exploration; software synthesis; compilers; code generation (e.g. C from matlab); dynamic compilation for embedded systems; software tool chain; generation for design space exploration (compilers, simulators, synthesis tools); retargetable compilers for MPSOC and reconfigurable platforms; compilers for multi-core systems.


E3 Model-based Design for Embedded Systems    

Chairs: Albert Benveniste, IRISA, France;

        Christoph Kirsch, University of Salzburg, Austria


Model-based foundations, methods, and tools for principled embedded/control system/software design; model-based embedded/control system/software testing, verification, validation, integration, deployment; model-based system and software architectures and infrastructure for principled embedded/control software deployment.


E4 Embedded Software Architectures and Principles

Chairs: Ahmed Jerraya, Leti, France;

        André Hergenhan, OpenSynergy, Germany


Software for MPSoC and multi-core systems; virtualization for embedded systems, including safety and security aspects; resources constrained middleware and Run-Time Environment (RTE) architectures, e.g.,  AUTOSAR; software support for reconfigurable components and accelerators.


E5 Embedded Software Applications - Architectures, Tools, and Methodologies

Chairs: Wolfgang Ecker, Infineon Technologies, Germany;

        Werner Damm, OFFIS, Germany


Real-time and dependable software applications; embedded run-time environments - practice and applications; embedded software verification and certification; design processes and experience in dependable software design; model driven design in industrial practice; embedded software architectures and applications in aerospace, automotive, industrial, medical industries; embedded software in wireless and consumer electronics applications; sensor network applications.


Submission Instructions:


All manuscripts must be submitted electronically before September 6th, 2009, following the instructions on the conference Web page:



The accepted file format is PDF Manuscripts received in hard-copy form will not be processed. Papers can be submitted for either standard oral presentation or for interactive presentation. Standard oral presentations require novel and complete research work supported by experimental results, and are held in front of a full audience. Besides these, DATE will again include interactive presentations of novel ideas that may require additional research or lack experimental data. Interactive presentations are given on a laptop in a face-to-face discussion area.


Submissions should not exceed 6 pages in length for oral-presentation and 4 pages in length for interactive-presentation papers, and should be formatted as close as possible to the final format: A4 or letter sheets, double column, single spaced, Times or equivalent font of minimum 10pt (templates are available on the DATE Web site for your convenience). To permit blind review, submissions should not include the author names.  Any submission not in line with the above rules will be discarded.


All papers will be evaluated with regard to their suitability for the conference, originality and technical soundness. The Programme Committee reserves the right to accept interesting contributions that do not meet the criteria for standard oral presentations, as interactive presentations.




Rolf Ernst - DATE Embedded Software Track Chair

IDA Technische Universität Braunschweig Hans-Sommer-Str. 66

38106 Braunschweig, Germany

e-mail: r.ernst@tu-bs.de


Wolfgang Mueller - DATE Program Chair

Paderborn University

C-LAB, Fuerstenallee 11

33098 Paderborn, Germany

e-mail: wolfgang@acm.org