
I tested the image on another laptop older than mine, the only thing that I have seen is "hacked by SECT". The whole problem can rely on my laptop. I have to figure out it. But should I see also android gingerbread interface right after this hacked by SECT.


Cem Akpolat

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 10:07 AM, cem akpolat <akpolatcem@gmail.com> wrote:

That was just an example for l4linux. I meant when I use l4linux instead of l4android, I can see root file system, because it is added in the module list. But here I reach up to this level, I can't even see the log of l4android or root file system, it does nothing after arriving to that point. You can also again see the log output below. By the way, Qemu version is 2.0.0. Lua congfig file and module list are written  in the previous mail.

kpolat@akpolatX240:~/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4$ make qemu E=l4_gingerbread O=build
'/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/vmlinuz.android' is a zipped file, uncompressing to '/tmp/Ybip9Ajla7/vmlinuz.android'
Note: At least QEmu 0.13 is required for the loading to work.
qemu-system-i386 -kernel /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/bootstrap -append "bootstrap  -modaddr 0x01100000" -initrd "/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/kernel/fiasco/build//fiasco -serial_esc,/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/sigma0 ,/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/moe rom/lx_ginger.cfg,/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/l4re ,/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/ned ,/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/io ,/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/rtc ,/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/mag ,/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/fb-drv ,/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/conf/android_conf/lx_ginger.cfg ,/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/conf/android_conf/x86-legacy.devs ,/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/conf/android_conf/x86_android.vbus ,/tmp/Ybip9Ajla7/vmlinuz.android ,/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/root-x86-ginger.img ,/home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/system-x86-ginger.img " -serial stdio -m 3000 

L4 Bootstrapper
  Build: #1 Mo 21. Jul 18:54:56 CEST 2014, x86-32, 4.8.2
  RAM: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009fbff: 639kB
  RAM: 0000000000100000 - 00000000bb7fdfff: 3070968kB
  Total RAM: 2999MB
  Moving up to 15 modules behind 1100000
  moving module 00 { 2e5000-350c3f } -> { 7d51000-7dbcc3f } [441408]
  moving module 01 { 351000-3a4c48 } -> { 7dbd000-7e10c48 } [343113]
  moving module 02 { 3a5000-5e6a68 } -> { 7e11000-8052a68 } [2366057]
  moving module 03 { 5e7000-716a82 } -> { 6f36000-7065a82 } [1243779]
  moving module 04 { 717000-96517b } -> { 7066000-72b417b } [2417020]
  moving module 05 { 966000-147138f } -> { 8053000-8b5e38f } [11580304]
  moving module 06 { 1472000-15778b8 } -> { 1100000-12058b8 } [1071289]
  moving module 07 { 1578000-199efcd } -> { 1206000-162cfcd } [4353998]
  moving module 08 { 199f000-1b18ebd } -> { 162d000-17a6ebd } [1547966]
  moving module 09 { 1b19000-1b19839 } -> { 17a7000-17a7839 } [2106]
  moving module 10 { 1b1a000-1b1a4a3 } -> { 17a8000-17a84a3 } [1188]
  moving module 11 { 1b1b000-1b1b86e } -> { 17a9000-17a986e } [2159]
  moving module 12 { 1b1c000-1ecae46 } -> { 17aa000-1b58e46 } [3862087]
  moving module 13 { 1ecb000-1fc4fff } -> { 1b59000-1c52fff } [1024000]
  moving module 14 { 1fc5000-6f35fff } -> { 1c53000-6bc3fff } [83300352]
  moving module 03 { 6f36000-7065a82 } -> { 6bc4000-6cf3a82 } [1243779]
  moving module 04 { 7066000-72b417b } -> { 6cf4000-6f4217b } [2417020]
  moving module 05 { 8053000-8b5e38f } -> { 6f43000-7a4e38f } [11580304]
  Scanning /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/kernel/fiasco/build//fiasco -serial_esc
  Scanning /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/sigma0 
  Scanning /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/moe rom/lx_ginger.cfg
  Bootloader MMAP:
    [        0,     9fc00) RAM (1)
    [    9fc00,     a0000) reserved (2)
    [    f0000,    100000) reserved (2)
    [   100000,  bb7fe000) RAM (1)
    [ bb7fe000,  bb800000) reserved (2)
    [ fffc0000, 100000000) reserved (2)
  Relocated mbi to [0x2dd000-0x2dd63f]
  Loading ndroid/l4android_x86/src/src/kernel/fiasco/build//fiasco
  Loading id/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/sigma0
  Loading droid/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/moe
  find kernel info page...
  found kernel info page at 0x400000
Regions of list 'regions'
    [        0,       fff] {     1000} Arch   BIOS
    [    9fc00,     9ffff] {      400} Arch   BIOS
    [    f0000,     fffff] {    10000} Arch   BIOS
    [   100000,    10b197] {     b198} Sigma0 id/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/sigma0
    [   140000,    18e21f] {    4e220} Root   droid/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/moe
    [   2d0000,    2e34a7] {    134a8} Boot   bootstrap
    [   2dd000,    2dd73c] {      73d} Root   Multiboot info
    [   300000,    38ffff] {    90000} Kern   ndroid/l4android_x86/src/src/kernel/fiasco/build//fiasco
    [   400000,    471fff] {    72000} Kern   ndroid/l4android_x86/src/src/kernel/fiasco/build//fiasco
    [  1100000,   7a4e38f] {  694e390} Root   Module
    [ bb7fe000,  bb7fffff] {     2000} Arch   BIOS
    [ fffc0000,  ffffffff] {    40000} Arch   BIOS
  API Version: (87) experimental
  Sigma0 config    ip:00100218 sp:002e1040
  Roottask config  ip:001401f6 sp:00000000
  Starting kernel ndroid/l4android_x86/src/src/kernel/fiasco/build//fiasco at 003007b0

Welcome to Fiasco.OC (ia32)!
L4/Fiasco.OC ia32 microkernel (C) 1998-2012 TU Dresden
Rev: UNKNOWN compiled with gcc 4.8.2 for Intel Pentium    []
Build: #1 Mo 21. Jul 18:56:08 CEST 2014

Performance-critical config option(s) detected:

Superpages: yes
Kmem:: cpu page at bb3e2000 (4096Bytes)
ACPI: RSDP[0xf09e0] r00 OEM:BOCHS.
Boot_alloc: size=0x10
Boot_alloc: allocated extra memory block @0xfffe5000 (size=400)
Boot_alloc: @ 0xfffe5000
Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfffe5010 (size=3f0)
IO-APIC: MADT = 0x203ffb11
IO-APIC[ 0]: struct: 0x203ffb45 adr=fec00000
Boot_alloc: size=0x1c
Boot_alloc: @ 0xfffe5010
Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfffe5030 (size=3d0)
Boot_alloc: size=0x120
Boot_alloc: @ 0xfffe5030
Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfffe5150 (size=2b0)
IO-APIC[ 0]: pins 24
  PIN[ 0m]: vector=20, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[ 1m]: vector=21, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[ 2m]: vector=22, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[ 3m]: vector=23, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[ 4m]: vector=24, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[ 5m]: vector=25, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[ 6m]: vector=26, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[ 7m]: vector=27, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[ 8m]: vector=28, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[ 9m]: vector=29, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[10m]: vector=2a, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[11m]: vector=2b, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[12m]: vector=2c, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[13m]: vector=2d, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[14m]: vector=2e, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[15m]: vector=2f, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[16m]: vector=30, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[17m]: vector=31, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[18m]: vector=32, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[19m]: vector=33, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[20m]: vector=34, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[21m]: vector=35, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[22m]: vector=36, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
  PIN[23m]: vector=37, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
IO-APIC: dual 8259: yes
IO-APIC: ovr[ 0] 00 -> 2
IO-APIC: ovr[ 1] 05 -> 5
IO-APIC: ovr[ 2] 09 -> 9
IO-APIC: ovr[ 3] 0a -> a
IO-APIC: ovr[ 4] 0b -> b
Boot_alloc: size=0x4
Boot_alloc: @ 0xfffe5150
Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfffe5158 (size=2a8)
Allocate cpu_mem @ 0xfffe5400
Local APIC[00]: version=11 max_lvt=5
APIC ESR value before/after enabling: 00000000/00000000
Using the Local APIC timer on vector 90 (Periodic Mode) for scheduling
SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart
Absolute KIP Syscalls using: Sysenter
Boot_alloc: size=0x14
Boot_alloc: @ 0xfffe5158
Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfffe5170 (size=290)
Boot_alloc: size=0x300
Boot_alloc: allocated extra memory block @0xfffe5800 (size=400)
Boot_alloc: @ 0xfffe5800
Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfffe5b00 (size=100)
Enable MSI support: chained IRQ mgr @ 0xfffe5150
SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart
Not using serial hack in slow timer handler.
CPU[0]: GenuineIntel (6:6:3:0)[00000663] Model: QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.0.0 at 2694MHz

  32 KB L1 I Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
  32 KB L1 D Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
2048 KB L2 U Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)

Freeing init code/data: 28672 bytes (7 pages)

Calibrating timer loop... done.
SIGMA0: Hello!
  KIP @ 400000
  Found Fiasco: KIP syscalls: yes
  allocated 4KB for maintenance structures
SIGMA0: Dump of all resource maps
IO PORTS--------------------------
MOE: Hello world
MOE: found 2901528 KByte free memory
MOE: found RAM from 1000 to bb7fe000
MOE: allocated 2999 KByte for the page array @0x46b000
MOE: virtual user address space [0-bfffffff]
MOE: rom name space cap -> [C:501000]
  BOOTFS: [6bc4000-6cf3a83] [C:503000] l4re
  BOOTFS: [6cf4000-6f4217c] [C:504000] ned
  BOOTFS: [6f43000-7a4e390] [C:505000] io
  BOOTFS: [1100000-12058b9] [C:506000] rtc
  BOOTFS: [1206000-162cfce] [C:507000] mag
  BOOTFS: [162d000-17a6ebe] [C:508000] fb-drv
  BOOTFS: [17a7000-17a783a] [C:509000] lx_ginger.cfg
  BOOTFS: [17a8000-17a84a4] [C:50a000] x86-legacy.devs
  BOOTFS: [17a9000-17a986f] [C:50b000] x86_android.vbus
  BOOTFS: [17aa000-1b58e47] [C:50c000] vmlinuz.android
  BOOTFS: [1b59000-1c53000] [C:50d000] root-x86-ginger.img
  BOOTFS: [1c53000-6bc4000] [C:50e000] system-x86-ginger.img
MOE: cmdline: /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android_x86/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/moe rom/lx_ginger.cfg
MOE: Starting: rom/ned rom/lx_ginger.cfg
MOE: loading 'rom/ned'
Ned says: Hi World!
Ned: loading file: 'rom/lx_ginger.cfg'
io      | Dev_factory: register factory for N2Hw6DeviceE
io      | GTF: register factory for 7Pci_dev
io      | GTF: register factory for N2Hw12Msi_resourceE
io      | Dev_factory: register factory for N2Hw11Gpio_deviceE
io      | Io service
io      | Find root Pointer
io      | Find root Pointer: f09e0
io      | ACPI: RSDP 0xf09e0 00014 (v00 BOCHS )
io      | ACPI: RSDT 0xbb7ffbc1 00034 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCRSDT 00000001 BXPC 00000001)
io      | /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/osl-basic.cc:344:AcpiOsPhysicalTableOverride(0xbff1c0, 0x80007d08, 0x80007d0c): UNINPLEMENTED
io      | ACPI: FACP 0xbb7ff1c0 00074 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCFACP 00000001 BXPC 00000001)
io      | /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/osl-basic.cc:344:AcpiOsPhysicalTableOverride(0xbfe040, 0x80007ce8, 0x80007cec): UNINPLEMENTED
io      | ACPI: DSDT 0xbb7fe040 01180 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCDSDT 00000001 BXPC 00000001)
io      | /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/osl-basic.cc:344:AcpiOsPhysicalTableOverride(0xbfe000, 0x80007ce8, 0x80007cec): UNINPLEMENTED
io      | ACPI: FACS 0xbb7fe000 00040
io      | /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/osl-basic.cc:344:AcpiOsPhysicalTableOverride(0xbff234, 0x80007d08, 0x80007d0c): UNINPLEMENTED
io      | ACPI: SSDT 0xbb7ff234 008DD (v01 BOCHS  BXPCSSDT 00000001 BXPC 00000001)
io      | /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/osl-basic.cc:344:AcpiOsPhysicalTableOverride(0xbffb11, 0x80007d08, 0x80007d0c): UNINPLEMENTED
io      | ACPI: APIC 0xbb7ffb11 00078 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCAPIC 00000001 BXPC 00000001)
io      | /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/osl-basic.cc:344:AcpiOsPhysicalTableOverride(0xbffb89, 0x80007d08, 0x80007d0c): UNINPLEMENTED
io      | ACPI: HPET 0xbb7ffb89 00038 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCHPET 00000001 BXPC 00000001)
io      | Parsing all Control Methods:
io      | Table [DSDT](id 0001) - 144 Objects with 18 Devices 52 Methods 8 Regions
io      | Parsing all Control Methods:
io      | Table [SSDT](id 0002) - 155 Objects with 32 Devices 42 Methods 1 Regions
io      | tbxfload-0274 [02] TbLoadNamespace       : ACPI Tables successfully acquired
io      | evxfevnt-0175 [02] Enable                : Transition to ACPI mode successful
io      | evgpeblk-0523 [04] EvCreateGpeBlock      : GPE 00 to 0F [_GPE] 2 regs on int 0x9
io      | /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/osl-basic.cc:60:AcpiOsInstallInterruptHandler(9, 0x107d6c0, 0x3aa8): UNINPLEMENTED
io      | Completing Region/Field/Buffer/Package initialization:.....................................
io      | Initialized 9/9 Regions 2/2 Fields 21/21 Buffers 5/5 Packages (308 nodes)
io      | Initializing Device/Processor/Thermal objects by executing _INI methods:
io      | Executed 0 _INI methods requiring 1 _STA executions (examined 53 objects)
io      | ACPICA-Version:20121018, System in ACPI MODE, 32bit timer
io      | <0xb120>IRQ     [00000000000000-00000000000000 1] rising edge (32bit) (align=0 flags=44201)
io      | <0x16b38>IRQ     [00000000000000-00000000000000 1] rising edge (32bit) (align=0 flags=44201)
io      | Ready. Waiting for request.
mag     | Hello from MAG
fb      | Trying execution of ``set VBE mode'' using x86emu
fb      | Found VESA BIOS version 3.0
fb      | OEM SeaBIOS VBE(C) 2



Cem Akpolat

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Matthias Lange <matthias.lange@kernkonzept.com> wrote:

On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 09:38:58PM +0200, cem akpolat wrote:
> Hi,
> I believe I should see at least an android gingerbread os in the qemu, root
> file system console like in l4linux. I cannot the whole components that I
> included in module.list are being loaded. Here is the module list:

I cannot see any L4Linux log messages (like the ones in your other email) in
your pasted log. Can you provide those, so that I can analyze the problem?


> ======
> modaddr 0x01100000
> default-kernel fiasco -serial_esc
> default-bootstrap bootstrap
> entry l4_gingerbread
> roottask moe rom/lx_ginger.cfg
> kernel fiasco -serial_esc
> module l4re
> module ned
> module io
> module rtc
> module mag
> module fb-drv
> module lx_ginger.cfg
> module x86-legacy.devs
> module x86_android.vbus
> module vmlinuz.android
> module root-x86-ginger.img
> module system-x86-ginger.img
> ======
> Normally, root-x86-ginger and system-x86 should be loaded, but I cannot see
> them. And the lua configuration file is below, this is the same
> configuration file which is used in lx_ginger.iso (from l4android.org).
> ======
> require("L4");
> local lxname = "vmlinuz.android";
> local l = L4.default_loader;
> local io_caps = {
>   sigma0 = L4.cast(L4.Proto.Factory, L4.Env.sigma0):create(L4.Proto.Sigma0);
>   rtc = l:new_channel():svr();
>   con_bus = L4.default_loader:new_channel():svr();
>   ginger_bus = L4.default_loader:new_channel():svr();
>   fb = L4.default_loader:new_channel():svr();
>   rom = L4.Env.rom;
>   icu = L4.Env.icu;
> };
> local rtc_caps = {
>   vbus = io_caps.rtc;
>   rtc = l:new_channel():svr();
>   rom = L4.Env.rom;
>   sigma0 = L4.Env.sigma0;
> };
> local fb_caps = {
>     vbus = io_caps.fb;
>     rom = L4.Env.rom;
>     fb = L4.default_loader:new_channel():svr();
> };
> local con_caps = {
>   fb = fb_caps.fb;
> --  fb = L4.Env.vesa;
>   vbus = io_caps.con_bus;
>   con = L4.default_loader:new_channel():svr();
>   rom = L4.Env.rom;
> };
> L4.default_loader:startv(
>   {
>     caps = io_caps,
>     log = { "io", "red" },
>   },
>   "rom/io", "rom/x86-legacy.devs", "rom/x86_android.vbus");
> L4.default_loader:startv(
>   {
>     caps = rtc_caps,
>     log = { "rtc", "blue" },
>   },
>   "rom/rtc");
> L4.default_loader:startv(
>         {
>         caps = fb_caps,
>         log =  { "fb", "cyan" },
>         },
>         "rom/fb-drv", "-m 0x117");
> local mag_caps = {
> mag = l:new_channel(),
> svc = l:new_channel(),
> };
> l:start({
>           caps = {
>     vbus = io_caps.con_bus,
>     fb   = fb_caps.fb,
> -- fb   = L4.Env.vesa,
>     mag  = mag_caps.mag:svr(),
>     svc  = mag_caps.svc:svr(),
>   },
>           log      = { "mag", "g" },
>   l4re_dbg = L4.Dbg.Warn,
>         },
> "rom/mag");
> local android_caps = {
>   log = L4.Env.log:m("rws");
>   vbus = io_caps.ginger_bus;
>   rtc = rtc_caps.rtc;
>   rom = L4.Env.rom;
> --  fb = con_caps.con:create(L4.Proto.Goos);
>   fb = mag_caps.svc:create(L4.Proto.Goos, "g=640x480,10,10");
> };
> L4.default_loader:start(
>   {
>     caps = android_caps,
>     l4re_dbg = L4.Dbg.Warn,
>     log = { "android", "yellow" },
>   },
>   "rom/" .. lxname .. " console=ttyLv0 mem=256M
> l4bdds.add=rom/system-x86-ginger.img,rw l4fb.touchscreen=1
> androidboot.console=ttyLv0 boot=local ip=dhcp
> l4x_rd=rom/root-x86-ginger.img rw root=1:0 ramdisk_size=1500 init=/init
> --debug");
> ======
> Why aren't the other components being loaded?
> Br,
> Cem
> Cem Akpolat
> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 8:38 PM, Matthias Lange <
> matthias.lange@kernkonzept.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > what is the actual problem you encounter? I cannot spot any problem from
> > the (incomplete?) log.
> >
> > Matthias.
> >
> > On 21.07.2014, at 17:11, cem akpolat <akpolatcem@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Dear all,
> >
> >
> > I compiled l4android in the light of the explanation under l4android.org,
> > however, I encountered the failure or another state that I don't know what
> > it exactly means. It doesn't seem as an error, however, it stays here. By
> > the way, the build.pl file provided in l4android.org doesn't work,
> > therefore I have compiled everything manually.
> >
> > n/x86_586/l4f/system-x86-ginger.img " -serial stdio -m 3000
> >
> > L4 Bootstrapper
> >   Build: #1 Mo 21. Jul 16:33:27 CEST 2014, x86-32, 4.8.2
> >   RAM: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009fbff: 639kB
> >   RAM: 0000000000100000 - 00000000bb7fdfff: 3070968kB
> >   Total RAM: 2999MB
> >   Moving up to 15 modules behind 1100000
> >   moving module 00 { 2e5000-350c3f } -> { 845a000-84c5c3f } [441408]
> >   moving module 01 { 351000-3a4c48 } -> { 84c6000-8519c48 } [343113]
> >   moving module 02 { 3a5000-5e6a68 } -> { 851a000-875ba68 } [2366057]
> >   moving module 03 { 5e7000-716a82 } -> { 763f000-776ea82 } [1243779]
> >   moving module 04 { 717000-96517b } -> { 776f000-79bd17b } [2417020]
> >   moving module 05 { 966000-147138f } -> { 875c000-926738f } [11580304]
> >   moving module 06 { 1472000-15778b8 } -> { 1100000-12058b8 } [1071289]
> >   moving module 07 { 1578000-199efcd } -> { 1206000-162cfcd } [4353998]
> >   moving module 08 { 199f000-1b18ebd } -> { 162d000-17a6ebd } [1547966]
> >   moving module 09 { 1b19000-1b19839 } -> { 17a7000-17a7839 } [2106]
> >   moving module 10 { 1b1a000-1b1a36b } -> { 17a8000-17a836b } [876]
> >   moving module 11 { 1b1b000-1b1b86e } -> { 17a9000-17a986e } [2159]
> >   moving module 12 { 1b1c000-1ecae4e } -> { 17aa000-1b58e4e } [3862095]
> >   moving module 13 { 1ecb000-1fcafff } -> { 1b59000-1c58fff } [1048576]
> >   moving module 14 { 1fcb000-763efff } -> { 1c59000-72ccfff } [90652672]
> >   moving module 03 { 763f000-776ea82 } -> { 72cd000-73fca82 } [1243779]
> >   moving module 04 { 776f000-79bd17b } -> { 73fd000-764b17b } [2417020]
> >   moving module 05 { 875c000-926738f } -> { 764c000-815738f } [11580304]
> >   Scanning
> > /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/kernel/fiasco/build//fiasco
> > -serial_esc
> >   Scanning
> > /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/sigma0
> >   Scanning
> > /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/moe
> > rom/lx_ginger.cfg
> >   Bootloader MMAP:
> >     [        0,     9fc00) RAM (1)
> >     [    9fc00,     a0000) reserved (2)
> >     [    f0000,    100000) reserved (2)
> >     [   100000,  bb7fe000) RAM (1)
> >     [ bb7fe000,  bb800000) reserved (2)
> >     [ fffc0000, 100000000) reserved (2)
> >   Relocated mbi to [0x2dd000-0x2dd606]
> >   Loading /l4android/l4android/src/src/kernel/fiasco/build//fiasco
> >   Loading ndroid/l4android/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/sigma0
> >   Loading l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/moe
> >   find kernel info page...
> >   found kernel info page at 0x400000
> > Regions of list 'regions'
> >     [        0,       fff] {     1000} Arch   BIOS
> >     [    9fc00,     9ffff] {      400} Arch   BIOS
> >     [    f0000,     fffff] {    10000} Arch   BIOS
> >     [   100000,    10b197] {     b198} Sigma0
> > ndroid/l4android/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/sigma0
> >     [   140000,    18e21f] {    4e220} Root
> > l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/moe
> >     [   2d0000,    2e34a7] {    134a8} Boot   bootstrap
> >     [   2dd000,    2dd703] {      704} Root   Multiboot info
> >     [   300000,    38ffff] {    90000} Kern
> > /l4android/l4android/src/src/kernel/fiasco/build//fiasco
> >     [   400000,    471fff] {    72000} Kern
> > /l4android/l4android/src/src/kernel/fiasco/build//fiasco
> >     [  1100000,   815738f] {  7057390} Root   Module
> >     [ bb7fe000,  bb7fffff] {     2000} Arch   BIOS
> >     [ fffc0000,  ffffffff] {    40000} Arch   BIOS
> >   API Version: (87) experimental
> >   Sigma0 config    ip:00100218 sp:002e1040
> >   Roottask config  ip:001401f6 sp:00000000
> >   Starting kernel /l4android/l4android/src/src/kernel/fiasco/build//fiasco
> > at 003007b0
> >
> > Welcome to Fiasco.OC (ia32)!
> > L4/Fiasco.OC ia32 microkernel (C) 1998-2012 TU Dresden
> > Rev: UNKNOWN compiled with gcc 4.8.2 for Intel Pentium    []
> > Build: #1 Mo 21. Jul 16:36:47 CEST 2014
> >
> > Performance-critical config option(s) detected:
> >   CONFIG_NDEBUG is off
> >   CONFIG_NO_FRAME_PTR is off
> >
> > Superpages: yes
> > Kmem:: cpu page at bb3e2000 (4096Bytes)
> > ACPI-Init
> > ACPI: RSDP[0xf09e0] r00 OEM:BOCHS.
> > Boot_alloc: size=0x10
> > Boot_alloc: allocated extra memory block @0xfffe5000 (size=400)
> > Boot_alloc: @ 0xfffe5000
> > Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfffe5010 (size=3f0)
> > IO-APIC: MADT = 0x203ffb11
> > IO-APIC[ 0]: struct: 0x203ffb45 adr=fec00000
> > Boot_alloc: size=0x1c
> > Boot_alloc: @ 0xfffe5010
> > Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfffe5030 (size=3d0)
> > Boot_alloc: size=0x120
> > Boot_alloc: @ 0xfffe5030
> > Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfffe5150 (size=2b0)
> > IO-APIC[ 0]: pins 24
> >   PIN[ 0m]: vector=20, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[ 1m]: vector=21, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[ 2m]: vector=22, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[ 3m]: vector=23, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[ 4m]: vector=24, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[ 5m]: vector=25, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[ 6m]: vector=26, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[ 7m]: vector=27, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[ 8m]: vector=28, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[ 9m]: vector=29, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[10m]: vector=2a, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[11m]: vector=2b, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[12m]: vector=2c, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[13m]: vector=2d, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[14m]: vector=2e, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[15m]: vector=2f, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[16m]: vector=30, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[17m]: vector=31, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[18m]: vector=32, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[19m]: vector=33, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[20m]: vector=34, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[21m]: vector=35, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[22m]: vector=36, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> >   PIN[23m]: vector=37, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> > IO-APIC: dual 8259: yes
> > IO-APIC: ovr[ 0] 00 -> 2
> > IO-APIC: ovr[ 1] 05 -> 5
> > IO-APIC: ovr[ 2] 09 -> 9
> > IO-APIC: ovr[ 3] 0a -> a
> > IO-APIC: ovr[ 4] 0b -> b
> > Boot_alloc: size=0x4
> > Boot_alloc: @ 0xfffe5150
> > Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfffe5158 (size=2a8)
> > Allocate cpu_mem @ 0xfffe5400
> > FPU0: SSE
> > Local APIC[00]: version=11 max_lvt=5
> > APIC ESR value before/after enabling: 00000000/00000000
> > Using the Local APIC timer on vector 90 (Periodic Mode) for scheduling
> > SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart
> > Absolute KIP Syscalls using: Sysenter
> > Boot_alloc: size=0x14
> > Boot_alloc: @ 0xfffe5158
> > Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfffe5170 (size=290)
> > Boot_alloc: size=0x300
> > Boot_alloc: allocated extra memory block @0xfffe5800 (size=400)
> > Boot_alloc: @ 0xfffe5800
> > Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfffe5b00 (size=100)
> > Enable MSI support: chained IRQ mgr @ 0xfffe5150
> > SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart
> > Not using serial hack in slow timer handler.
> > CPU[0]: GenuineIntel (6:6:3:0)[00000663] Model: QEMU Virtual CPU version
> > 2.0.0 at 2694MHz
> >
> >   32 KB L1 I Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
> >   32 KB L1 D Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
> > 2048 KB L2 U Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
> >
> > Freeing init code/data: 28672 bytes (7 pages)
> >
> > Calibrating timer loop... done.
> > SIGMA0: Hello!
> >   KIP @ 400000
> >   Found Fiasco: KIP syscalls: yes
> >   allocated 4KB for maintenance structures
> > SIGMA0: Dump of all resource maps
> > RAM:------------------------
> > [0:1000;9efff]
> > [0:10c000;13ffff]
> > [4:140000;18efff]
> > [0:18f000;2dcfff]
> > [4:2dd000;2ddfff]
> > [0:2de000;3fffff]
> > [0:46b000;10fffff]
> > [4:1100000;8157fff]
> > [0:8158000;b77fffff]
> > [0:bb400000;bb7fdfff]
> > IOMEM:----------------------
> > [0:0;fff]
> > [0:9f000;fffff]
> > [0:bb7fe000;febfffff]
> > [0:fec01000;fedfffff]
> > [0:fee01000;ffffffff]
> > IO PORTS--------------------------
> > [0:0;fffffff]
> > MOE: Hello world
> > MOE: found 2894324 KByte free memory
> > MOE: found RAM from 1000 to bb7fe000
> > MOE: allocated 2999 KByte for the page array @0x46b000
> > MOE: virtual user address space [0-bfffffff]
> > MOE: rom name space cap -> [C:501000]
> >   BOOTFS: [72cd000-73fca83] [C:503000] l4re
> >   BOOTFS: [73fd000-764b17c] [C:504000] ned
> >   BOOTFS: [764c000-8157390] [C:505000] io
> >   BOOTFS: [1100000-12058b9] [C:506000] rtc
> >   BOOTFS: [1206000-162cfce] [C:507000] mag
> >   BOOTFS: [162d000-17a6ebe] [C:508000] fb-drv
> >   BOOTFS: [17a7000-17a783a] [C:509000] lx_ginger.cfg
> >   BOOTFS: [17a8000-17a836c] [C:50a000] x86-legacy.devs
> >   BOOTFS: [17a9000-17a986f] [C:50b000] x86_android.vbus
> >   BOOTFS: [17aa000-1b58e4f] [C:50c000] vmlinuz.android
> >   BOOTFS: [1b59000-1c59000] [C:50d000] root-x86-ginger.img
> >   BOOTFS: [1c59000-72cd000] [C:50e000] system-x86-ginger.img
> > MOE: cmdline:
> > /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/build/bin/x86_586/l4f/moe
> > rom/lx_ginger.cfg
> > MOE: Starting: rom/ned rom/lx_ginger.cfg
> > MOE: loading 'rom/ned'
> > Ned says: Hi World!
> > Ned: loading file: 'rom/lx_ginger.cfg'
> > io      | Dev_factory: register factory for N2Hw6DeviceE
> > io      | GTF: register factory for 7Pci_dev
> > io      | GTF: register factory for N2Hw12Msi_resourceE
> > io      | Dev_factory: register factory for N2Hw11Gpio_deviceE
> > io      | Io service
> > io      | Find root Pointer
> > io      | Find root Pointer: f09e0
> > io      | ACPI: RSDP 0xf09e0 00014 (v00 BOCHS )
> > io      | ACPI: RSDT 0xbb7ffbc1 00034 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCRSDT 00000001 BXPC
> > 00000001)
> > io      |
> > /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/
> > osl-basic.cc:344:AcpiOsPhysicalTableOverride(0xbff1c0, 0x80007d08,
> > 0x80007d0c): UNINPLEMENTED
> > io      | ACPI: FACP 0xbb7ff1c0 00074 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCFACP 00000001 BXPC
> > 00000001)
> > io      |
> > /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/
> > osl-basic.cc:344:AcpiOsPhysicalTableOverride(0xbfe040, 0x80007ce8,
> > 0x80007cec): UNINPLEMENTED
> > io      | ACPI: DSDT 0xbb7fe040 01180 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCDSDT 00000001 BXPC
> > 00000001)
> > io      |
> > /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/
> > osl-basic.cc:344:AcpiOsPhysicalTableOverride(0xbfe000, 0x80007ce8,
> > 0x80007cec): UNINPLEMENTED
> > io      | ACPI: FACS 0xbb7fe000 00040
> > io      |
> > /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/
> > osl-basic.cc:344:AcpiOsPhysicalTableOverride(0xbff234, 0x80007d08,
> > 0x80007d0c): UNINPLEMENTED
> > io      | ACPI: SSDT 0xbb7ff234 008DD (v01 BOCHS  BXPCSSDT 00000001 BXPC
> > 00000001)
> > io      |
> > /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/
> > osl-basic.cc:344:AcpiOsPhysicalTableOverride(0xbffb11, 0x80007d08,
> > 0x80007d0c): UNINPLEMENTED
> > io      | ACPI: APIC 0xbb7ffb11 00078 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCAPIC 00000001 BXPC
> > 00000001)
> > io      |
> > /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/
> > osl-basic.cc:344:AcpiOsPhysicalTableOverride(0xbffb89, 0x80007d08,
> > 0x80007d0c): UNINPLEMENTED
> > io      | ACPI: HPET 0xbb7ffb89 00038 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCHPET 00000001 BXPC
> > 00000001)
> > io      | Parsing all Control Methods:
> > io      | Table [DSDT](id 0001) - 144 Objects with 18 Devices 52 Methods 8
> > Regions
> > io      | Parsing all Control Methods:
> > io      | Table [SSDT](id 0002) - 155 Objects with 32 Devices 42 Methods 1
> > Regions
> > io      | tbxfload-0274 [02] TbLoadNamespace       : ACPI Tables
> > successfully acquired
> > io      | evxfevnt-0175 [02] Enable                : Transition to ACPI
> > mode successful
> > io      | evgpeblk-0523 [04] EvCreateGpeBlock      : GPE 00 to 0F [_GPE] 2
> > regs on int 0x9
> > io      |
> > /home/akpolat/mysvn/l4android/l4android/src/src/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/
> > osl-basic.cc:60:AcpiOsInstallInterruptHandler(9, 0x107d6c0, 0x3aa8):
> > io      | Completing Region/Field/Buffer/Package
> > initialization:.....................................
> > io      | Initialized 9/9 Regions 2/2 Fields 21/21 Buffers 5/5 Packages
> > (308 nodes)
> > io      | Initializing Device/Processor/Thermal objects by executing _INI
> > methods:
> > io      | Executed 0 _INI methods requiring 1 _STA executions (examined 53
> > objects)
> > io      | ACPICA-Version:20121018, System in ACPI MODE, 32bit timer
> > io      | <0xb120>IRQ     [00000000000000-00000000000000 1] rising edge
> > (32bit) (align=0 flags=44201)
> > io      | <0x16b38>IRQ     [00000000000000-00000000000000 1] rising edge
> > (32bit) (align=0 flags=44201)
> > io      | Ready. Waiting for request.
> > mag     | Hello from MAG
> > fb      | Trying execution of ``set VBE mode'' using x86emu
> > fb      | Found VESA BIOS version 3.0
> > fb      | OEM SeaBIOS VBE(C) 2011
> > rtc     | Date:21.07.2014 Time:15:05:38
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Cem Akpolat
> >  _______________________________________________
> > l4-hackers mailing list
> > l4-hackers@os.inf.tu-dresden.de
> > http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/mailman/listinfo/l4-hackers
> >
> >
> > matthias.lange@kernkonzept.com <michael.hohmuth@kernkonzept.com> - Tel.
> > 0351-41 888 614
> >
> > Kernkonzept GmbH.  Sitz: Dresden.  Amtsgericht Dresden, HRB 31129.
> > Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Michael Hohmuth
> >
> >

Matthias Lange, matthias.lange@kernkonzept.com, +49 - 351 - 41 88 86 14

Kernkonzept GmbH.  Sitz: Dresden.  Amtsgericht Dresden, HRB 31129.
Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Michael Hohmuth