i am a new hand to do this...
so i really need some help & suggestions.
this is my GOAL : run ( port )  L4linux on ARM platform (ARM920T-S3C2410)
( the link of that platform : PreSOCes-C in http://www.microtime.com.tw/English/PreSOC.htm )
i have some question:
1. i know L4Linux must run with l4(fiasco) & l4env.but when i want to download L4Linux  from
    http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/drops/download.html , instead of module "l4linux", svn only has module "l4linux-2.6-env ".
   so i am confused that is this module(l4linux-2.6-env) contains L4Linux + fiasco + l4env or just L4Linux or not at all???
    or give me a suggestion about what i should download to achieve my goal
2. to achieve my goal, i guess the process should be: 
    cross-compile source code to image ¡÷ load the image to target platform ¡÷ modify bootloader to boot from l4linux ¡÷ finish
    is this process right ?
    should i modify any file before cross-compiling l4linux?
    are there any thing i should take care about?
thanks for any suggestions. i really need your help. thank you~