On Nov 25, 2013 8:49 AM, "Erry Pradana Darajati" <pradana.erry@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello L4hackers,
> I have a project from my college to build and configure fiasco with l4re to boot and run in Pandaboard. So far i have already build the kernel and l4. But i am having trouble to making ISO for l4re. i follow the instruction using grub2iso but it unsuccessful.
> The Error says : This mode can only be used with architectures x86 and amd64.
> My question is, how can i make ISO for Pandaboard ARM.

you don't boot grub on ARM. for pandaboard, use the "make uimage" command and copy the "images/bootstrap.uimage" to sd card and boot it from u-boot (please search the internet on how to use the fatload and bootm commands in u-boot and how to prepare a sd card with u-boot for pandaboard)
> Thank you for the answer, i am really new for this subject, so i am really appreciate any help
> --
> Regards,
> Erry Pradana Darajati | Student of Computer Engineering
> Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
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