            I'm trying  to do the same procedure than Waldo. I have fiasco compiled in a configured buildir; the same for l4re. I'm using the arm-2012.03 toolchain.

When I execute inside l4re builddir the command:

make -j2 elfimage E=hello O=/home/afmoya/builds/l4re.exynos4 MODULE_SEARCH_PATH=/home/afmoya/builds/foc.exynos4 SYSTEM_TARGET=/usr/local/arm-2012.03/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-

it generates three linked files in the image directory of the l4re builddir. They reference another three files located in l4re.exynos4/bin/arm_armv7a. The generated files are:
when I execute Qemu with the following arguments

qemu-system-arm -m 256 -serial mon:stdio  -kernel bootstrap_hello.elf


qemu: fatal: Trying to execute code outside RAM or ROM at 0x41000000
R00=00000000 R01=00000000 R02=00000000 R03=00000000
R04=00000000 R05=00000000 R06=00000000 R07=00000000
R08=00000000 R09=00000000 R10=00000000 R11=00000000
R12=00000000 R13=00000000 R14=00000000 R15=41000000
PSR=400001d3 -Z-- A svc32
s00=00000000 s01=00000000 d00=0000000000000000
s02=00000000 s03=00000000 d01=0000000000000000
s04=00000000 s05=00000000 d02=0000000000000000
s06=00000000 s07=00000000 d03=0000000000000000
s08=00000000 s09=00000000 d04=0000000000000000
s10=00000000 s11=00000000 d05=0000000000000000
s12=00000000 s13=00000000 d06=0000000000000000
s14=00000000 s15=00000000 d07=0000000000000000
s16=00000000 s17=00000000 d08=0000000000000000
s18=00000000 s19=00000000 d09=0000000000000000
s20=00000000 s21=00000000 d10=0000000000000000
s22=00000000 s23=00000000 d11=0000000000000000
s24=00000000 s25=00000000 d12=0000000000000000
s26=00000000 s27=00000000 d13=0000000000000000
s28=00000000 s29=00000000 d14=0000000000000000
s30=00000000 s31=00000000 d15=0000000000000000
FPSCR: 00000000
Abortado (`core' generado)
I tested all the three files and the result is the same.

I use the source code from l4re-snapshot-2013081908 and configure fiasco and l4re for exynos4 platform.

Best regards!!

El 21/03/14 21:49, Waldo escribió:
Hi, i am running the hello world example for the arm realview (exynos4412), and i don't how create a elfimage to run the example, i compile the fiasco and l4re for arm, but the elfimage is not generated.

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