I have some questions about the map_iro code.

1.  In this example, server maps the capability in the client to itself?
2. In the server code, there are two "caps rcv_cap" and "tmp".  Why do we use tmp here? 
     Can't we only use the rcv_cap to receive the capability?
3. Finally, in the server, where is the capability is mapped in? tmp or rec_cap?

Thanks a lot.

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 5:51 PM, Björn Döbel <doebel@os.inf.tu-dresden.de> wrote:

> I want to write some code to transfer capabilities from server to client.
> But I have no idea how to do this as I am not familiar with L4Re and its
> interface.
> Could anyone give me some example code or some hints?

please have a look at l4/pkg/examples/sys/map_irq

Kind regards,

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