So I should use the interrupt pin field at offset 0x3c to find out which PCI link the device uses. Can I use this value directly to search IO-APIC GSI in _PRT blocks?  I read some article that says this value may be local to PCI device, and it may be remapped by motherboard to another PCI link number through something like daisy chain type of mapping. For example, PCI slot 1's INTA# uses INTA#,  while PCI slot 2's INTA# actually uses INTB#.  Is this true? If so,  I think I need to handle this mapping before search _PRT blocks, right?

For GSI number, I assume it is the irq number I am looking for. But I still have some questions. First, is it always fixed for each pin of each IO-APIC? For example, first pin of first IO-APIC has GSI 0, second pin has 1, ...,  and the first pin of second IO-APIC has GSI 24, second pin has 25, ...? If so, then irq number will range from 0 to 47 on a two-io-apic machine. But Linux runs on the same machine can report irq 53 for some device, which is very confusing to me.

Second, some document says GSI number can be overridden. When booting Fiasco.OC, I can see a line like ovr[0] 2->0.  Does that mean GSI 2 eventually become irq 0?  I am not sure when and why a GSI number needs to be overridden, but  can the overriding happen to the device I am interested? If so, how should I deal with it in my device driver, i.e., should I use the original GSI number as my device's irq or use the one after overriding? 

Look forward to your reply. I am so eager to know the answers. Thanks.


On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 7:11 AM, Udo Steinberg <> wrote:
On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 07:44:10 -0700 Chen Tian (CT) wrote:

CT> Thanks for the reply. Then what is the irq number that is assigned to an
CT> io-apic pin? When writing a driver for a PCi device, how can I use the
CT> value in pci irq field to find the right irq no. for this device so I can
CT> call attach function in driver?

I assume you mean the value in the PCI interrupt line field at offset 0x3c
in the configuration space? That value has no meaning when the IOAPIC is used.

What you need to do instead is parse _PRT blocks of the ACPI DSDT table to
figure out which IOAPIC pin each device is connected to. Here's an example:

        Name (AH02, Package (0x04)
            Package (0x04)
                0xFFFF,                 // PCI address of the device
                0x00,                   // PCI LINK A
                0x1D                    // IOAPIC GSI 29

            Package (0x04)
                0x01,                   // PCI LINK B
                0x29                    // IOAPIC GSI 41

            Package (0x04)
                0x02,                   // PCI LINK C
                0x28                    // IOAPIC GSI 40

            Package (0x04)
                0x03,                   // PCI LINK D
                0x2A                    // IOAPIC GSI 42

Depending on which of the PCI interrupt lines (A-D) the device is configured
to use, it will either generate GSI 29, 41, 40, or 42. In this case the
machine has multiple IOAPICs, each with 24 pins, so for example GSI 29 would
be the 6th pin on the second IOAPIC.


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