Hi matthias ,
thanks for your answer .
arm-linux-g++ is in the package of fiasco that I downloaded in the route of /bin/sh, now i must added it to my $path? how can add this to my $path ?

On Monday, August 31, 2015 12:03 PM, Matthias Lange <matthias.lange@kernkonzept.com> wrote:


On 08/31/2015 09:10 AM, Shabnam Engineer wrote:
>  Hi l4-hackers,
> I want to build fiasco.OC for my rpi , but in "make" command I have
> faced this error :
> ******************************************
> make: arm-linux-g++: Command not found

It looks like arm-linux-g++ is not in you $PATH. Add the path to your
arm-linux-* binaries to $PATH and you should be good to go.


> /bin/sh: 1: arm-linux-g++: not found
> /bin/sh: 1: arm-linux-g++: not found
> make: arm-linux-g++: Command not found
> make
> srcdir=/home/shabnam/Desktop/fiasco1/l4re-core-2014092821/src/kernel/fiasco/src
> objbase=/home/shabnam/Desktop/fiasco1/l4re-core-2014092821/src/kernel/fiasco/mybuild
> -f
> /home/shabnam/Desktop/fiasco1/l4re-core-2014092821/src/kernel/fiasco/src/Makefile.sub1
> make[1]: arm-linux-g++: Command not found
> make[1]: Entering directory
> `/home/shabnam/Desktop/fiasco1/l4re-core-2014092821/src/kernel/fiasco/mybuild'
> /bin/sh: 1: arm-linux-g++: not found
> /bin/sh: 1: arm-linux-g++: not found
> make[1]: arm-linux-g++: Command not found
> Checking compiler config... unchanged.
> /bin/sh: 1: arm-linux-ld: not found
> No known ld emulation found
> make[1]: *** [.Host-config] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/home/shabnam/Desktop/fiasco1/l4re-core-2014092821/src/kernel/fiasco/mybuild'
> make: *** [create-sources] Error 2
> ******************************************************************************************
> and also in /bin/sh route we have the arm-linux-g++ file , and I attach
> the screenshots of this route .
> I don't know what to do .
> thank you for considering my question .
> regards,
> shabnam

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Matthias Lange, matthias.lange@kernkonzept.com, +49 - 351 - 41 88 86 14

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Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Michael Hohmuth